Within Teamwork.com, you can filter all files that have been uploaded by users across multiple projects on your site.
To view all Files, click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select Everything.

In the Everything area, select the Files tab from the horizontal menu.

Click the Filters button in the top right of the page to open the filters pane.

You can use this to filter your results down to the search term entered.

Filter the files to only include ones uploaded to certain projects.

Added By
Choose to only show files that have been added by a specific user or users.

Additional options:
- Include deleted users - show deleted users in the Added By dropdown.
Date uploaded
When setting the date, you can filter results based on when the file was uploaded using the set time frames in the dropdown.

You can also set a custom date range or a within_days timeframe.

Filter the files by the tags associated with them, applying one or multiple tags.

Select the Match all tags option to only display files that include all of the selected tags.
- Hide directly uploaded files.
- Hide third party files uploaded from file integrations such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Show locked files only.

Reordering filters
You can also drag and drop the various areas filter options to change the order.

Saving filters
You can choose to save a filter you have created for use at a later time. Once saved, it will appear in the Saved Filters section of the filters pane.
Clicking a saved filter will highlight it and apply it to the Files area.

When an active filter is applied, you can also change quickly between saved filters by clicking the filter name at the top of the page.

Note: Saved filters are available on paid Teamwork.com subscriptions.
For more information, see: Filtering