Within Teamwork.com, you can choose from a range of user license types when adding people to your site.

Standard user
Standard users are the primary user type in Teamwork.com for those who need access to the full range of available permissions. Each standard user occupies a paid seat in your Teamwork.com subscription, with the cost of each user varying depending on the subscription plan you have. Most often, these licenses would be reserved for your company's employees who are going to be managing and working on your projects in depth.

Client user
The purpose of client users is to enable you to bring clients into your projects where necessary, without incurring extra costs onto your subscription. Client users can avail of the same range of project level permissions as standard users, but are restricted in some other aspects such as administrator privileges. They are also limited to joining a maximum of five active projects.
✔  Client users are available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1

Collaborator licenses are designed for bringing in third parties to your projects in a limited capacity. They can perform basic actions such as completing tasks assigned to them, adding comments & messages, or view files. Like client users, collaborators are completely free on your subscription but their permissions are less expansive.

Collaborators cannot add new tasks, task lists, milestones, notebooks, links, log time, set statuses, or add tags to project items.

Note: Each standard user added will be counted as a paid seat in your recurring subscription cost. Client users and collaborators added to your site do not incur a cost.

Choosing a user type

When inviting new users to your site, you can select the user type via the dropdown menu.

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Note: Client users can only be added to external companies on your site.

Updating existing users

You can also update the user type of existing people on your site via the site-level People area.

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Click the three dots to the right of the relevant user and select the Edit profile option from the dropdown menu.

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In the user details modal, go to the Essentials tab. You can then update the license type via the Type dropdown.

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Note: The client user option can only be applied to users in external companies.

When a user is set as a collaborator a message will appear within their permissions screen notifying you that they will have reduced permissions.

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In various sections of your site such as the People area, users of each license type will be indicated by a unique color.

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1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.