Within Teamwork.com, you can filter tasks assigned to a particular person.
Go to the People section of your site and select the relevant user to view their profile. While viewing their profile, go to the Tasks tab.

Click the filters button in the top right to open the advanced filters pane.

You can use this to filter your results down to the search term entered.

When setting the date, you can choose to see results for when the task is due using the set time frames found within the drop-down. You can also choose to view tasks that are late.

You can choose to see results from a set date range or you can choose a custom date range.

Depending on the date option you choose from the dropdown, you will see additional checkbox options:
- Include late tasks.
- Include tasks with no date.
- Ignore start dates.

You can choose to filter tasks by the tags associated with them. You can apply more than one tag when filtering results.
If multiple tags are selected, you can check the Match all tags option which will only return tasks using all selected tags.

When you select Show more options, you will see options to:
- Select certain tags you wish to exclude from the results.
- If you have Match all excluded tags checked, only tasks with none of the selected excluded tags will be shown.
- Show only untagged items in the results
Note: You can choose tags to include and exclude in the same filter.
You can choose to filter the tasks by priority. This can help you to focus in on tasks that may need more attention on the project(s).

In the Options section, you can further customize which tasks are shown based on a variety of factors such as subtasks or tasks with tickets.

- Include tasks assigned to a company
- Include tasks assigned to teams
- Include blocked tasks - show tasks that are blocked from being completed by subtasks or dependencies.
- Include completed tasks
- Include subtasks
- Only tasks with Desk tickets - only tasks that are currently associated with a ticket from Desk will be displayed.
- Only tasks with unread comments
Date Created
You can also filter the tasks by date created, with a variety of date range options.

Created By
Choose which tasks to show based on who created them.
When Include deleted users is checked, deleted users will appear for selection in the Created By dropdown.

Reordering filters
You can also drag and drop the various filter options to change the order.

Saving filters
You can choose to save a filter you have created for use at a later time. Once saved, it will appear in the Saved Filters tab of the filters pane.
Clicking a saved filter will highlight it and apply it to the tasks view.

When a filter is active, you can also change quickly between saved filters by clicking the filter name at the top of the page.

Note: Saved filters are available on paid Teamwork.com subscriptions.
For more information, see: Filtering