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Track time to tasks and projects as you progress through your work.
  • Manage your time as you work — no need to try to recount every thing you did at the end of the day.
  • Account for all work (not just task work) by tracking time against projects when you're doing more high-level project management.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission (on at least one project they want to track time against):
    • Log time (allows users to log time against the project or to individual tasks, as well as view and manage their own logged time on the project)
Any time you're working on a project or task, especially if it's work you'll be billing for!
Track time to tasks and projects as you progress through your work.
  • Manage your time as you work — no need to try to recount every thing you did at the end of the day.
  • Account for all work (not just task work) by tracking time against projects when you're doing more high-level project management.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission (on at least one project they want to track time against):
    • Log time (allows users to log time against the project or to individual tasks, as well as view and manage their own logged time on the project)
Any time you're working on a project or task, especially if it's work you'll be billing for!

Track time to a task

Track time as you move from task to task throughout the day. We recommend logging time when you're finished working on a particular task (and before you move onto your next action item) so you don't have to remember every detail at the end of the day.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.

    Image Placeholder
  3. Switch to the Table view from the project's navigation bar. The Table tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Scroll to the relevant task's row.
  5. Hover over the Logged time field, then click the clock (Image Placeholder) icon.
     Image Placeholder
  6. Review the time log's pre-populated details and update where necessary.
    • Date defaults to the current date. 
    • Start time is calculated based on time spent and end time.
    • End time defaults to the current time (aka when you clicked Log time). 
    • Time spent auto-populates with the same duration as your last time entry.
      • When this field is locked (), adjusting the start time automatically adjusts the end time (and vice versa) so that the time spent is maintained. When unlocked, adjusting the start or end time automatically changes the time spent.
        💡 Use the quick time increments (15m, 30m, 45m, 1h) to update the Time spent field.
  7. Review the time log's assignee. By default, you are selected.
  8. 🔑 Users with permissions to log time and view other people's time can log time for other project members. Otherwise, the avatar field is hidden and the person logging the time is assigned.
    • Click the in the modal's top right to open the people picker where you can change the assignee or select multiple people. Individual time logs will be created for each selected user.
  9. Update additional details: 
    1. Billable time: Ensure the Mark as billable box is checked if the time being tracked is billable.
    2. Complete the task: If the task is now complete, check Mark task as complete to save a step and complete the task.
    3. Tags: Click + Add time log tag, then select one or multiple tags from the tag picker. This is optional but can help with reporting — filter by tag to find relevant time logs. 

      Image Placeholder
  10. Click Log time.
    💡 Want to track more time? Instead, click the arrow on the Log time button's right and select Save and log another.

The time is tracked to the selected task and can be viewed in the task's details view or in the project's Time section. If multiple assignees were selected, individual time entries are created for each person.

Another option...

We've got you covered — there are more ways to manually track time on tasks:
  • List tab: Hover over the task, click the clock (Image Placeholder) icon, then select Log Time (or Log More Time).
  • Quick add: Click Quick add in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu, then select Log time. Choose a project, then select an individual task to track the time against.

Track time to a project

Managing a project but not necessarily working on individual tasks? Track time to the overall project.

  1. Select + Quick add from Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Click Log time.  
    💡 Want a keyboard shortcut? Press and hold q, then press L to get a timer running.  
  3. Select the project that time should be tracked against. Leave the Task field blank to ensure the time is tracked against the project itself.
    Image Placeholder
  4. Check the Mark as billable checkbox.
  5. Click the Time spent field and type the total time you need to log.
    • Supported formats: 15m, 1.5 or 1h 30m.
      📝 Start time defaults to the current time. End time updates once you enter time spent (start time + time spent duration).Check the Mark as billable checkbox.
  6. Review and update the date. It defaults to the current date.
  7. Add a description.
  8. Apply tags —  this is optional but can help with reporting — filter by tag to find relevant time logs. 
    1. Click + Add time log tag, then select one or multiple tags from the tag picker.
  9. Click Log time.
    💡 Want to track more time? Instead, click the arrow on the Log time button's right and select Save and log another.

The time is tracked to the selected project and can be viewed in the project's Time section. If multiple assignees were selected, individual time entries are created for each person.

Best practices

  • Create a routine: Start your day by going to My work to see what needs to be worked on. When you're finished working on a task, log the time you spent working on it. Do the same for each task throughout the day.
  • Track time holistically: Use placeholder tasks to track common aspects of daily work not associated with any specific client project, allowing your team to track all parts of their day.
    • Ex. Create a task list called "Time Logs" and create tasks such as "Lunch," "Performance Reviews," "PTO" (personal time off), and "Meeting." Everyone can then manually log time (or use timers) on these tasks when needed.


  • Timers: Use timers to track your work in real time. Pause and resume timers as you switch between tasks, then log the tracked time when you're finished.
  • Timesheets: Review your personal timesheet at the end of each day or week to ensure all time has been accounted for. You can track time directly in this view if you wish.