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My work is a central hub for assigned tasks across your projects.
  • Understand your day-to-day priorities at a glance.
  • Create a custom view with the task details most relevant to you.
  • Keep late tasks top of mind so they don't fall through the cracks.
  • Filter to individuals or teams to get better insight on what others are working on.
  • All users can access My work, view their assigned tasks, and customize the view.
  • Users with permission to edit tasks on a project can update their assigned task associated with that project directly in the My work view.
Start each work day by checking My work to understand your outstanding and upcoming priorities.
My work is a central hub for assigned tasks across your projects.
  • Understand your day-to-day priorities at a glance.
  • Create a custom view with the task details most relevant to you.
  • Keep late tasks top of mind so they don't fall through the cracks.
  • Filter to individuals or teams to get better insight on what others are working on.
  • All users can access My work, view their assigned tasks, and customize the view.
  • Users with permission to edit tasks on a project can update their assigned task associated with that project directly in the My work view.
Start each work day by checking My work to understand your outstanding and upcoming priorities.

View tasks

  1. Click Home in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Switch to the My work tab.
    📝 Some legacy Teamwork.com accounts have a My work view picker. Click the table icon (Image Placeholder) in the top right to switch from List to Table view. 

Assigned tasks

Choose whose tasks you want to view. My work defaults to your own assigned tasks — switch to another user or select multiple people for a combined view.
  1. Click the plus icon in the view's top left to open the people picker.

  2. Next:
    1. Remove yourself: Uncheck the box on your name's left.
    2. Add people: Check the box on the left of each person you want to include.
    3. Add teams: Switch to the pop-up's Teams tab and use the checkboxes to select teams.
  3. Click Update.

The My work task groupings update to show the selected assignees' tasks.

📝 The assignee filter only applies to the tasks displayed in My work. The My tasks / milestones counter in the view's top right only reflects your own assigned items.

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In My work table view, tasks are listed on individual rows, grouped by status based on their associated dates (late, today, upcoming, no date).
  • A count of the tasks in each section is displayed beside each status heading.
    • Click the arrow (Image Placeholder) on a status heading's left to collapse or expand the section.
  • Each task row displays the task's properties (assignee, due date, priority etc.).

Task groupings

Tasks are grouped based on their due date:
  • Late — task's due date has passed
  • Today — task's due date is today
  • Tomorrow — task's due date is tomorrow
  • This week — task's due date falls in the current week.
    📝 Tasks due today are only shown under "Today," and not "This week."
  • Next week — task's due date falls in the following week.
  • Later — tasks with a due date in the future but later than "Next week."
  • No date — task has no due date

Tasks and milestones counter

In the My work area's top right, you can view task and milestone status counts based on what is late, due today, or upcoming. These status counts are visible across all subsections of the Home area and reflect only your assigned tasks and milestones.

Use the dropdown on the left to toggle between tasks and milestones. The counts update automatically.

  • The Upcoming count includes tasks with a due date within the next 14 days.

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Manage tasks

Edit task properties

Edit certain task properties directly in the table view via inline editing. 
  • Task name: Hover over the task name, then click Edit.
  • Task properties: Click a property's current value (ex. due date) to open it in edit mode or reveal the property's options. 
  • Task details: Click the task name to open the task details view. Alternatively, hover over the task and either press V on your keyboard or click the Details link on the task name's right.
    • Each of the task's properties can be edited from the task details view. Some options such as followers open a pop-up window, while others like priority open a dropdown menu.

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Log time on tasks

Use the Logged time column to manually log time or start a timer directly on an individual task.

Hover over the Logged time field in any task row and choose:
  • Log time: Create a time entry and log it against the task.
  • Start timerStart a timer to track time as you work before you log the time.
    • Click pause to stop the timer running. 
    • Click the timer's current tracked time to log the time to the task.

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Another option...

  • Create tasks: Click Add task in the view's top right to create new tasks (depending on your permissions). 
  • Personal tasks: Access your personal tasks.

Customize table columns

Choose columns

Choose which columns to display.

  1. Click the plus icon in the table view's top right.
  2. Toggle on (or off) individual property columns (ex. assignee, due date, priority, custom fields).
    💡 Hover over More to open an expanded list of remaining task properties, including any existing task custom fields.
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Reorder columns

You can drag and drop selected columns to reorder your view. Click and drag a column heading and drop it to a new position in the table.

📝 The task name column is fixed to the left of the table and cannot be reordered or hidden.

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Resize columns

Adjust the width of certain columns in Table view (title, description, tags, board column).

Hover over a column heading's right side. Click and hold the column heading's right edge, then drag and drop it left or right to expand or contract the column width.

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Scroll table view

Depending on the number of columns you have enabled for the table, a horizontal scrollbar become accessible to allow you to scroll to view the remaining columns.

📝 The Task Name column remains fixed on the table's left.

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Sort tasks

Sort tasks based on their associated properties. Applying a sort reorders the tasks within each status subsection.

  1. Apply sort: Click a column heading (ex. priority).
  2. Switch sort order: Click the sorted column heading again to switch from ascending to descending order.
  3. Clear sort: Hover over the actively sorted column. Click the downward arrow (Image Placeholder), then select Clear sort.
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Search and filter

Use the search field in My work's top right to search for tasks based on assignee or task name.

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Use filters to refine which tasks are shown in the My work view.

  1. Click the filters icon (Image Placeholder) in the view's top right
  2. Select a filter option in the Filters panel, then use the checkboxes to choose the filter's criteria (ex. a specific tag). 
    Filter based on tag — displays any of your assigned tasks using at least one of the selected tags. Use the Exclude tags dropdown to hide tasks using certain tags.
    Due date
    Filter based on due date — choose from predefined periods such as late, tomorrow, next 30 days, last year.
    Filter based on tasks' priority level (any, none, low, medium, or high).
    Show only tasks from certain projects.
    Created By
    Show only tasks created by specific individuals.
    Custom Fields
    Filter tasks based on associated custom field values. Choose a custom field and the filter criteria you want to refine by. Ex. Show tasks with "Reviewed" checkbox custom field checked.
    Additional options
    Refine further using checkbox options:
    • Only show tasks that are not blocked.
    • Include tasks that have started in 'Today' section.
    • Do not show tasks that are assigned to teams.
    • Do not show subtasks:
      • When checked, subtasks are nested beneath their parent task and are hidden by default. Click the arrow on the parent task's left to show the subtask(s).
      • When unchecked, subtasks are displayed at the same level as all other tasks (not nested) and have a "subtask" label beside the task name.
    Filter based on tag — displays any of your assigned tasks using at least one of the selected tags. Use the Exclude tags dropdown to hide tasks using certain tags.
    Due date
    Filter based on due date — choose from predefined periods such as late, tomorrow, next 30 days, last year.
    Filter based on tasks' priority level (any, none, low, medium, or high).
    Show only tasks from certain projects.
    Created By
    Show only tasks created by specific individuals.
    Custom Fields
    Filter tasks based on associated custom field values. Choose a custom field and the filter criteria you want to refine by. Ex. Show tasks with "Reviewed" checkbox custom field checked.
    Additional options
    Refine further using checkbox options:
    • Only show tasks that are not blocked.
    • Include tasks that have started in 'Today' section.
    • Do not show tasks that are assigned to teams.
    • Do not show subtasks:
      • When checked, subtasks are nested beneath their parent task and are hidden by default. Click the arrow on the parent task's left to show the subtask(s).
      • When unchecked, subtasks are displayed at the same level as all other tasks (not nested) and have a "subtask" label beside the task name.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each additional filter you want to apply.

The view updates as you apply filters, showing only tasks matching all selected criteria.

Manage filters

  • In the filter menu:
    • Click Save filter to save the active filter criteria for future use.
    • Click Saved filters to access (and apply) existing saved filters.
  • Click the on the filter button to remove all active filtering.

Best practices

  • Close the loop: Check the Late section at the start of each working week and action any outstanding tasks that have become overdue.
  • Stay focused: Start each work day by checking your 'My work' view for a real time view of your current priorities.
  • Plan ahead: Leverage the Next week and Later sections for a better understanding of your upcoming work. Take it a step further by filtering to custom future due date periods such as next month.
  • Get a birds eye view: Use the people filter to customize whose tasks are shown. Filter to one individual or team at a time or select all of your team members to view your team's focus areas.