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Track time against projects and tasks using timers in Teamwork.com's Timer app as you work.
  • Keep the tasks you work on regularly in one place for easier time tracking.
  • Site admins
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission (on at least one project):
    • Log Time (allows users to log time to that project and its tasks using any time logging method)
You need to track time to different tasks throughout the day and want to do so seamlessly without interrupting your work view.
Track time against projects and tasks using timers in Teamwork.com's Timer app as you work.
  • Keep the tasks you work on regularly in one place for easier time tracking.
  • Site admins
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission (on at least one project):
    • Log Time (allows users to log time to that project and its tasks using any time logging method)
You need to track time to different tasks throughout the day and want to do so seamlessly without interrupting your work view.

Download the Timer app

The Teamwork.com Timer app is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  1. Click your profile image in Teamwork.
  2. Select My Apps from your profile menu.
  3. Scroll to the Teamwork.com Timer section.
  4. Select your relevant desktop platform.

A download starts automatically, installing the Timer app on your computer.

Connect your Teamwork.com account

Once the app is installed, connect your Teamwork.com profile so you can start importing your tasks.

  1. Click the profile icon in the Timer app's bottom left.
  2. Select Add account.

    Image Placeholder
  3. Enter your email address and password for the Teamwork.com account you want to link.
  4. Click Log in to authenticate the account.

The account is connected and your Teamwork.com profile image is displayed in the Timer app's bottom left — click it to view your connected account(s).

💡 Connect more than one Teamwork.com profile to the Timer app — follow the same steps as above, entering the relevant account's login credentials.
📝 To remove a linked Teamwork.com account, hover over the account in your profile menu in the Timer app and click the X.

Add a timer

Create timers to track time against projects and tasks.

  1. Click the at the bottom of the Timer app.

    Image Placeholder
  2. Enter a timer name.
  3. Click Select beside the task option.
    📝 If you want to track time against a project, skip this and jump to step 5. You'll choose a project each time you log the timer's tracked time.
    Image Placeholder
  4. Choose a task to link to the timer:
    1. Existing task: Select an existing project and corresponding task list. Select a task to highlight it, then click Select Task.
      💡 Use the search field to locate a specific task.
    2. New task: Click New Task at the bottom of the window. Fill out the task's details, then click Add Task.

      Image Placeholder
  5. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Add Timer.
    2. Keep going: Set additional timer properties, then click Add Timer.
      1. Current time: Enter a quantity of time already worked on the task so you can start the timer from where you left off.
      2. Start this timer now: Start the timer once its created if you're wanting to start working and don't need to create additional timers.

💡 Drag & drop: Bring existing tasks into the Timer app using drag & drop.
  1. Open the relevant project / task list in a browser window.
  2. Click and hold a task's name, then drag and drop it on the Timer app window.

Import tasks

Use the import option to add Teamwork.com tasks to the Timer app in bulk.
  1. Click the import icon (Image Placeholder) at the bottom of the Timer app.
  2. Press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard, then use your mouse to select multiple tasks.
    1. Use the task status dropdown in the window's top left to filter the tasks (upcoming, due today, late, all tasks assigned to me), or use the search field to locate a specific task.
  3. Click Add timers to import the selected tasks.

Log time

Use the play and pause buttons to seamlessly toggle between timers throughout the day, then log timers' tracked time individually or in bulk.
  1. Choose which timer(s) you want to log:
    1. Individual: Click a single timer to highlight it.
    2. Select some: Press and hold CTRL (or CMD), then mouse click individual timers to highlight them.
    3. Select all: Press CTRL (or CMD) + A on your keyboard to select all existing timers.

      Image Placeholder
  2. Click Log time.
    ⚠️ Only timers with existing tracked time are populated.
  3. Review the time logs:
    1. Project and task: Hover over a timer's linked project or task, then click Detach to unlink. If you detach the project, the time will not be logged.
    2. Complete task: Use the checkboxes in the checkmark column to mark timers' linked tasks as complete when the time is logged.
    3. Billable: Use the checkboxes in the currency column to update each time log's billable status.
    4. Reset: Use the checkboxes in the circular arrow column to reset the timer once the time is logged.
    5. Edit: Click the edit pencil to update a time log's duration, start time, date, and description.
      📝 If you're logging an individual timer's tracked time, all details are shown in a single window.
  4. Click Log these timers.

Edit a timer

  1. Hover over a timer.
  2. Click the pencil icon on the timer's right.
  3. Update the timer's details:
    1. Name
    2. Linked task
    3. Current tracked time. Click the arrow to reset the time to 0.
    4. Estimated time — this corresponds to the linked task's estimated time.
    5. Description
  4. Click Save.

Delete a timer

  1. Hover over a timer.
  2. Click the trash can icon on the timer's right.
  3. Click OK to confirm.
The timer is removed from the app's list of timers, unlinking the Teamwork.com task and project.
💡 Select multiple timers, then click the trash can icon at the bottom of the Timer app to delete in bulk.

Keyboard shortcuts

Toggle between play and pause on the selected timer.
backspace / delete
Delete the selected timer.
ctrl / command ⌘ + a
Select all timers.
ctrl / command ⌘ + s
Log the selected timer's tracked time (or bulk log if multiple timers are selected).
ctrl / command ⌘ + n
Add a new timer.
ctrl / command ⌘ + i
Open the import window.
ctrl / command ⌘ + f
Put cursor focus in the search field.

Select the previous timer in the list.

Select the next timer in the list.
Toggle between play and pause on the selected timer.
backspace / delete
Delete the selected timer.
ctrl / command ⌘ + a
Select all timers.
ctrl / command ⌘ + s
Log the selected timer's tracked time (or bulk log if multiple timers are selected).
ctrl / command ⌘ + n
Add a new timer.
ctrl / command ⌘ + i
Open the import window.
ctrl / command ⌘ + f
Put cursor focus in the search field.

Select the previous timer in the list.

Select the next timer in the list.

Manage Timer app settings

  1. Click the settings cog icon (Image Placeholder) at the bottom of the Timer app.
  2. Select one of the settings tabs (outlined in the table below).
  3. Update the relevant setting(s).
  4. Click Save Settings.
Show total time — shows a running total of current time tracked across all timers at the bottom of the app
Blink current timer if paused — the timer will blink until reactivated.
Show time in menu bar — show the currently running timer's time in your computer's main menu bar (Mac only).
Keep timer on top of all other windows when in compact mode — timer always displays on top of the browser window you are viewing.
Hide icon from taskbar when in compact mode
Only return starred projects
Use profile time zone instead of system time
Default: Reset timer instead of deleting when logging time
Default: Mark associated task as done when logging time
Pause timer when my computer is idle — set a custom idle duration.
Automatically remove timers attached to deleted tasks
Automatically remove timers attached to completed tasks
Only remove timers that have no time recorded
Use legacy time tracking method — start time and date will be overwritten with the current time and date after restarting the timer.
Use hardware acceleration when available
Enable notifications
Notify me when timers have been automatically deleted
Notify me when timer has been paused due to inactivity
Notify me when timer has been resumed after inactivity
Notify me if a timer has been running longer than 8 hours
Remind me to start a timer if I'm active for over 30 minutes and one isn't already running
Remove account — unlink your Teamwork.com profile.
⚠️ All associated timers will also be deleted. This cannot be undone.
Open log file — error log file.
View your app's current version number.
Show total time — shows a running total of current time tracked across all timers at the bottom of the app
Blink current timer if paused — the timer will blink until reactivated.
Show time in menu bar — show the currently running timer's time in your computer's main menu bar (Mac only).
Keep timer on top of all other windows when in compact mode — timer always displays on top of the browser window you are viewing.
Hide icon from taskbar when in compact mode
Only return starred projects
Use profile time zone instead of system time
Default: Reset timer instead of deleting when logging time
Default: Mark associated task as done when logging time
Pause timer when my computer is idle — set a custom idle duration.
Automatically remove timers attached to deleted tasks
Automatically remove timers attached to completed tasks
Only remove timers that have no time recorded
Use legacy time tracking method — start time and date will be overwritten with the current time and date after restarting the timer.
Use hardware acceleration when available
Enable notifications
Notify me when timers have been automatically deleted
Notify me when timer has been paused due to inactivity
Notify me when timer has been resumed after inactivity
Notify me if a timer has been running longer than 8 hours
Remind me to start a timer if I'm active for over 30 minutes and one isn't already running
Remove account — unlink your Teamwork.com profile.
⚠️ All associated timers will also be deleted. This cannot be undone.
Open log file — error log file.
View your app's current version number.

Best practices

  • Log efficiently: Review all timers at the end of the day, then use the bulk option to log all time in one go.
  • Track time holistically: Use placeholder tasks to track common aspects of daily work not associated with any specific (client) project), allowing you (and your team) to track all parts of your day.
    • Ex. Create a task list called "Time Logs" and create tasks such as "Lunch," "Performance Reviews," "PTO (personal time off), and "Meeting." Everyone can then run timers on these tasks when needed.
  • Set up reminders: Use the app's notification settings to remind you when you're active but haven't yet started a timer.