Within Teamwork.com, user permissions and access levels you can grant to each user will vary for the different user license types on your site.

Standard users can have full access to your site with permissions right up to site administrator level if you wish.

Client users can be granted similar project-level permissions to standard users but cannot have any administrator privileges on your site. They do not count towards the cost of your subscription. Clients can be on a maximum of 5 active projects associated with the external company in which they are a member.
✔  Client users are available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1

When you add a user as a collaborator, they do not count towards the cost of your subscription but they have reduced permissions compared to standard users and client users.

Project permissions

At project level, you can customize which individual permissions each user is granted. This table outlines which permissions are supported for each user license type.

Standard User
Client User
Project administrator 1

View Project Updates

 - Add Project Updates 

View Tasks & Milestones

 - Add Milestones

 - Add Task Lists

 - View Estimated Time

 - Add Tasks

View Messages & Files

 - Add Messages 2

 - Add Files 2

View Time Log

 - Can View Other People's Time

 - Can Access Billing

 - Can Log Time

View Notebooks

 - Add Notebooks

View Risk Register

 - Add Risks

View Links

 - Add Links

View Forms 3

 - Add Forms

View People 4

View Project Budget 5

- Manage Project Budget

View Hourly Rates 6

- Edit Hourly Rates

Manage Project's Custom Fields

Set Privacy on Items

Is Just an Observer Here

1. The ability for project administrators to add new users to the account is a site-level setting. This setting is enabled by default and can only be managed by owner company site adminsProject admins from external companies can only add users from their own company, or users they already share projects in common with, to the project.

2. For collaborators, the Add permission for messages and files only allows them edit access to items they create.

3. Collaborators with permission to View Forms can only view the published form, not the form editor.

4. Users in the owner company, as well as users with the profile permission to manage people and companies, always have permission to view people on projects.

5. The View Time Log permission needs to be turned on in order to grant a standard user or client user permission to View Project Budget.

6. The View Time Log permission needs to be turned on in order to grant a standard user or client user permission to View Hourly Rates. Collaborators cannot be granted permission to View or Edit Hourly Rates.

Project feature access

Access to the different tabs of a project are dependent on:
  • The project feature being turned on for the project.
  • The user having the specific project permission to view the feature. Access to some features cannot be granted to certain user types.
Note: If a client user collaborator needs access to a restricted permissions, they will need to be upgraded to a standard user.

Access Areas 
Project Admin
Standard User
Client User
Project Level:

List (Tasks)

Board (Tasks)

Gantt (Tasks)






  - Billing

  - Budgets

      - Project profitability 1


People (view access)

  - Manage People


1. The project profitability panel in a project's Finance > Budgets area is only accessible to owner company site administrators.

Site-level feature access

Access to various site-level areas are also conditional on user type. Many of these features are also tied to user profile permissions.

Access Areas 
Standard User
Client User
Quick Add



  - My work

  - My projects

  - Activity

  - Inbox 

  - Dashboards 

  - Events 

  - My timesheet 

  - My calendar 


  - List (all projects you have access to)

     - Archived projects

  - Project Templates


  - My timesheet 

  - Company timesheet 

  - All time 

  - Approvals 

  - Everything

  - Planning

      - Workload

      - Schedule

      - Overview

      - Portfolio

      - Chart 1


Reports 2


  - View & edit site-wide rates 3

  - Statuses

1. Collaborators have view-only access to the Projects Chart.

2. The Reports area is accessible to site administrators and standard users with project admin permissions on at least one project.

3. Site-wide billable and cost rates are only visible to owner company site administrators.

Site-level administrator access

Note: Owner company site administrators can access all items across the site, regardless of privacy settings.

Access Areas 
Owner Company
Site Admin
External Company
Site Admin






- View & edit site-wide rates

- View project profitability

- Statuses

Site settings

- Subscription

- Templates

For more information, see: Teamwork.com User License Types

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.