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Task templates are like placeholder task lists for tasks you're likely to use repeatedly. Use your custom templates each time you want to populate those tasks on a project.
  • Reduce manual work by populating repeat work from templates.
  • Save time by not having to build every task list from scratch.
  • Ensure accurate task dates by enabling skip weekends when applying templates.
Any time you need to populate a task list, tasks, or subtasks on a project and have a template containing relevant tasks.
Task templates are like placeholder task lists for tasks you're likely to use repeatedly. Use your custom templates each time you want to populate those tasks on a project.
  • Reduce manual work by populating repeat work from templates.
  • Save time by not having to build every task list from scratch.
  • Ensure accurate task dates by enabling skip weekends when applying templates.
Any time you need to populate a task list, tasks, or subtasks on a project and have a template containing relevant tasks.

Create a task list from a template

Step 1: Create a task list

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's List or Table view.
  4. Click Add task list in the view's top right.

Step 2: Choose a template

  1. Click the Select a template field.
  2. Select a template from the dropdown.

  3. Choose a start date. This is the anchor date — it determines the actual start and end dates for each task being populated from the template. 
    Example: A template task is set to Day 2 to Day 6. You set the anchor start date as March 22nd. The new task's dates become the March 23rd to March 27th.
  4. Check the Skip weekends box to prevent new tasks' dates from falling on Saturdays and Sundays. Task dates will only be calculated using weekdays.
  5. Check the Notify everyone by email box to notify newly created tasks' assignees.

Step 3: Choose later

Template tasks can have their assignee set to "Choose later." This creates a placeholder indicating the type of work or the likely role required to do the work.

When you create tasks from the template, you'll be prompted to assign project members to these placeholders.

  1. Click Preview task list in the task list creation window.
  2. Any tasks assigned as "Choose later" are indicated with yellow user icons. If the template has no "Choose later" roles, you can skip ahead and click Add task list (step 7).

    Image Placeholder
  3. Click Add task list to save the new task list.
  4. Click the Anyone field beside a role.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Select a user's name to set them as the task's assignee. Alternatively, click the plus beside each individual you want to add (i.e. multiple assignees).
  6. Click Finished.
  7. Click Add task list.

Add tasks to a task list from a template

Populate an existing task list with tasks from a template.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's List or Table view.
  4. Scroll to the relevant task list.
  5. Click the ellipsis () on the task list heading's right.
  6. Hover over Templates.
  7. Select Add tasks from template. 
  8. Select a template from the dropdown.

    Image Placeholder

  9. Click Start on and choose how you want the new tasks' dates to be set.
    1. Start on: Use this day as the starting point (Day 1) for all task date calculations.
    2. End on: Use this day as the end point for all task date calculations, i.e. the latest due date.
  10. Check the Skip weekends box to prevent new tasks' dates from falling on Saturdays and Sundays. Task dates will only be calculated using weekdays.
  11. Check the Notify everyone by email box to notify newly created tasks' assignees.
  12. Click the user icon beside each listed role to select specific task assignees. This only shows if template tasks are assigned to "Choose later."
  13. Click Apply template.

Another option...

Create subtasks under an existing task in a task list.

  1. Navigate to a project.
  2. Scroll to the relevant task list.
  3. Hover over the task you want to add the subtasks to.
  4. Click the ellipsis (...) on the task's right.
  5. Hover over More.
  6. Select Add subtasks from template.

Skip weekends

When skip weekends is turned on, all Saturdays and Sundays are ignored when calculating task dates created from templates. This means that only working days (Monday to Friday) are counted.


Anchor date (when applying a template): March 22nd (Friday). This date is set as Day 1 (in relation to the template) because it is a working day.
  • Task 1 starts on Day 1, ends on Day 3 → starts March 22nd, ends March 26th (Fri, Mon, Tues).
  • Task 2 starts on Day 2, ends on Day 4 → starts March 25th, ends March 27th.

Best practices

  • Control the timeline: Set an anchor date to build the new tasks' dates from. Creating tasks from a template today doesn't mean the work starts today — select the starting point that meets your needs each time.
  • Schedule accurately: Enable skip weekends when applying templates, ensuring all new tasks created from the template fall on weekdays.
  • Apply effectively: Decide how you want to apply a template — does it need to be a new task list, or is adding a set of tasks (or subtasks) to an existing list sufficient?