Within Teamwork Desk, you can manage your personal preferences via your profile settings.
To access your profile settings, click your profile icon in the top right and select View Profile from the dropdown.

Your profile area is broken down into multiple subsections where you can view and manage different things such as your tickets, notification preferences, and API keys.

To edit your details, select the Edit Profile button in the top right.
In the General section, you can update your profile photo, first name, last name, and email address.

You can also add a job title, contact phone numbers, and set your preferred time zone.

At the bottom, you can set your personal preferences:
- Time format - 12 or 24 hour format
- Two-factor authentication - available on Pro subscriptions and above
- Web notifications - receive pop-up notifications to your browser. These notifications follow your notification preferences.
- Push notifications - receive push notifications on your mobile device. These notifications follow your notification preferences.
- Auto follow - be automatically added as a follower on a ticket when when added as a CC recipient.
- Text editor - HTML or Markdown

For more information, see: My Profile