Within Teamwork Desk, you can change your timezone and time format from your profile section.
Click your profile icon to the top right of the navigation bar and select View Profile from the dropdown.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9997138/image.png)
You will then be brought to your profile page. Select Edit Profile from the upper right of any tab within your profile view.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9284453/image.png)
Scroll down to the Details subsection and hover over your selected time zone then click the edit pencil icon.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9284454/image.png)
You can use the dropdown provided to select your desired time zone and click Save.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9284455/image.png)
To update your time format, scroll to the Preferences subsection and choose your preferred time format.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9284460/image.png)
For more information, see: My Profile