Within Teamwork Desk, you can set an auto-reply to be sent when ever you receive a ticket from a customer.

Note: Inbox settings can only be managed by site administrators and inbox administrators of the inbox.

Click your profile icon in the top right of the navigation bar and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

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In the Settings area, go to the Inboxes section and select the relevant inbox. While viewing the inbox, select Auto Reply from the left navigation panel.

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You can then toggle the auto reply Status on or off after entering the required information first.

Note: Teamwork Desk adds the following headers to all auto-reply messages:

"Auto-Submitted": "auto-replied", // RFC 3834
"Precedence": "auto_reply", // RFC 2076
"X-Auto-Response-Suppress": "All", // Microsoft

Additionally, auto-replies are only sent once to each customer within a 5 minute window.  This restriction is enforced to avoid loops with certain mail providers that fail to detect and specify auto-reply headers.

Before toggling the auto reply option on, you must enter the information you would like to send to the customer:

  • Subject - This is what will appear in the subject line of your email.
  • Send emails from - You can choose to send emails from the inbox name or choose a user from the dropdown menu.
  • Message - This will be the body of the email you will be sending. You can include images, links etc in this which will be sent to the customer.
You can then preview what your outgoing auto reply email will look like  using the Preview Email function in the top right corner. 

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Note: Auto replies do not impact response times in reporting insights

For more information, see: Creating and Using Canned Responses