Within Teamwork Desk, you can create a Help Docs site to help your customers to resolve their own issues.

  1. Select Help Docs from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Click Add a site in the view's top right.

    Image Placeholder

  3. Fill out the site's details:
    1. Site Name: Set the site's name.
    2. Sub-domain: Your sub-domain (aka the customizable part of the URL) can be a combination of letters and numbers. Your site URL will look like yoursubdomain.helpdocsite.com.
    3. Site Headline - add a description for your site (optional) that will be displayed above the search field on your Help Docs site homepage
  4. Click Add a site to create the site.

Once created, you can:

For more information, see: Getting Started with Help Docs