Within Teamwork Desk, you can use categories to group your help articles into easy-to-navigate locations.

Create a category

πŸ”‘ Only administrators can manage Help Docs categories.
  1. Select Help Docs from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Click the relevant Help Docs site card to view it.
  3. Switch to the Categories tab.
  4. Click Add Category in the top right.

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  5. Fill out the category's details:
    1. Category name
    2. Nest category under β€” leave blank to make it a top level category or choose to nest it under an existing category.
      πŸ“ Category nesting can be a maximum of three levels deep (including the top-level category).
    3. Show on homepage β€” include it as one of the categories displayed on the Help Docs site's homepage.
    4. Slug β€” add a custom slug (the final part of the URL that represents the article). If left blank, the article title will be used. Ex. if the slug is β€œpasswords” then the page URL might be yoursite.helpdocsite.com/passwords.
    5. Old URL β€” include a link to an older version of the content so readers are redirected to the new page.
  6. Click Add category.

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Create a subcategory

  1. Switch to the Help Docs site's Categories tab.
  2. Scroll to the relevant category. This is the one you want to nest the new subcategory under.
  3. Click the folder icon on the category's right.

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  4. Fill out the subcategory's details.
  5. Click Add category.
πŸ’‘ You can also create subcategories via the Add Category option β€” select a parent category in the Nest Category Under field.

Edit an existing category

  1. Switch to the Help Docs site's Categories tab.
  2. Scroll to the relevant category.
  3. Click the pencil icon on the category's right.

  4. Update the category's details.

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  5. Click Edit category to save your changes.

Delete a category

⚠️ Categories and subcategories cannot be deleted while they still contain articles. You must first delete those articles or move them to another category).
⚠️ Parent categories cannot be deleted while they still contain subcategories. You must first delete the subcategories or move them to another location in your category structure.

  1. Switch to the Help Docs site's Categories tab.
  2. Scroll to the relevant category.
  3. Click the trash can icon on the category's right.

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  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Reorder categories

You can reorder a Help Docs site's categories to customize how they appear on your published site.

  1. Switch to the Help Docs site's Categories tab.
  2. Hover over a category in the list to reveal the drag/move icon on the category's left.
  3. Next:
    1. Click and drag the category to a new position in the list.
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    2. Click and drag the category over another category. Once the parent category is highlighted, drop the one you're moving to make it a subcategory.
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Understanding categories

Articles only appear in categories to which they have been explicitly added.
  • If you add an article to a subcategory but do not include it in the top level category, the article will not be displayed when you view that top level category in Teamwork Desk, or if a customer views that category on your published site.
Categories are only displayed on a Help Docs site's homepage if they:
  • Have the Show on homepage toggle enabled.
  • Contain published articles.
For more information, see: Creating a Help Docs Article