Within Teamwork Desk, you can create individual articles for your Help Docs site.

To create an article, go to the Help Docs area at the top of your site.

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Select the relevant Help Docs site from the list. While viewing the site, go to the Articles tab and click the Add Article button in the top right corner.

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The Help Docs editor will open where you can enter a title for the article and the main body of content.

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The article view is broken down into four subsections:

  • Edit Article - use the editor to add and update your article content.
  • Related Articles - add other existing articles that may be relevant as related articles. This can help your readers to easily navigate related pages without the need to search again.
  • Keywords - can be added to added to any articles you create. By adding keywords it can help your readers to easily find what they are looking for. Add as many as you can and anticipate what search terms may be used when someone is looking for this article.
  • Revisions - a new revision of the article is created each time someone makes changes.
    • The Revisions tab gives a list view of previous updates made to the article.
    • Each entry will show you when the update occurred, and who it was modified by. You also have the option to preview or delete each individual revision by hovering over it.

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To the right of the main article view, you will see a sidebar containing the article's properties.

At the top, you can choose:

  • Status - draft, unpublished, or published.
    • When an article is published, it will appear on your live Help Docs site.
    • You can change the status of an article at any time by selecting a different option in the dropdown and clicking Save.
  • Categories - select which categories the article is relevant to.
    • Each article must be added to at least one category.
  • Save - save any changes made to the article's content or properties.
  • Preview - open a preview of the article to see what it will look like to your readers.

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Under More Options, you can update the slug, relevance, and old URL, as well as enable comments.

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The display order (relevance) helps determine how high up the article will appear over others in the search results when a search term is met.

At the bottom of the sidebar, you can choose between HTML and Markdown as your editor type.

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To delete the article, select the red Delete Article button at the end of the sidebar.

Help Docs editor options

WYSIWYG Editor Options
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View source - view/edit the source code for the article.
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Undo | Redo
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Text style

  • Normal
  • Code Block
  • Code Inline
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Heading 3
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Bold | Italic | Underline | Strikethrough
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  • Select some text in your article and use the highlight option to add a colored background to the selected text.
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Clear formatting
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Left align | Center align | Right align

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Unordered/bulleted list | Ordered/Numbered list

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Outdent | Indent
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Insert horizontal rule
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Insert/edit link | Remove link
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Upload image
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Insert Table
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Upload File
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Insert Video
More options: Text Direction l Left/Right

For more information, see: Creating a Help Docs Site