Within Teamwork CRM, you can update, edit, and delete an existing lead from the lead's profile.

To view a lead, select the card from your leads pipeline.

In the left-hand menu, you will see the lead name, value, pipeline, stage, and expected close date.

You can edit the lead’s properties using the edit pencil icon to the right of the lead name.

You also have the option of marking the lead as qualified or lost.

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From the options menu (three dots) you will be able to delete the lead. You will also have the option to create/go to project if integrated with a Teamwork account.

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Note: You can also delete a lead using the drag and drop option while in the main Leads area

Further information provided in the left hand menu include contact, company, owner, project (if linked), custom, and statistics.

The lead’s associated contact, company, and owner can be updated using the link symbol within the respective sections.

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The Custom section will show any custom fields currently populated for the lead.

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If the lead has no custom fields populated, no information will be displayed in the Custom section. Click the edit pencil to view the available custom fields. Once you have filled out the relevant details, click Save.

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Note: If you do not have any custom fields for deals created for your site, the edit pencil will not display.


In the Statistics section at the bottom of the lead details sidebar, you will be able to see the deal age, along with the date it was created and the name of the creator.

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Adding items to a lead

When viewing an individual lead, you can add notes, activities, and files. These items represent the different actions that are required during your sales process. 

A timeline of all previously added notes, activities, and files can be viewed in the profile area.

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For more information, see: Viewing a Lead