Within Teamwork.com, you can star individual projects that you use frequently.

Across multiple areas of the app, you will see a star icon to the left or right of the project name. Click the star icon to mark it as starred, highlighting it yellow. You can unstar a project by clicking the star icon again.

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Projects list view

Select the Projects option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and go to the List subsection.

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In the List area, you can use both sorting and filtering to view your starred projects.

Click the star icon to the left of the Project Name column heading to sort the list by starred project.

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Alternatively, you can use. advanced filters. Click the filters button in the top right and check the Show starred projects only option in the filters dropdown.

Note: The list will update to show only starred projects within the project status you are currently viewing.

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Project switcher

You can quickly access and switch between your starred projects via the project switcher. Click the Jump To option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select the Starred tab in the slide out menu.

The projects are in alphabetical order by name, and will show the associated company below the name. Clicking a project name will bring you directly to the project.

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In some areas of the site that display a list of projects, such as My Work > My Projects or Profile > Projects, you can use the sorting dropdown in the top right to sort the list by Starred First.

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You can also use filtering in project-related areas of your site to show only starred projects in your view.

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Supported areas include:

For more information, see: Switching Quickly Between Projects