Within Teamwork.com, you can generate reports for the task lists you have created on a project.
Reporting on all task lists
To generate a report of all task lists on your project, go to the project's Table or List area.

Click the options button (three dots) in the top right and hover over Reports in the dropdown menu. From the pop-out menu, select the Task Lists Report option.

The task lists report includes details from across multiple task lists.

The options available in the Which Tasks tab include:
- Tasks assigned to: Choose who you wish to report on, all users, not assigned yet, or an individual.
- Type of tasks to show: Choose from all tasks, incomplete task, or completed tasks.
- Date range: Choose from any due date, due by today, due by tomorrow, due in the next seven days, due in the next 14 days, due in the next 30 days, or between dates.
- Include late tasks: Include tasks that are passed the due date that has been set on them.
- Include tasks without a due date: Include tasks that have no due date set.
- Ignore start dates: Choose whether to base the report with or without start dates taken into account, this is very much dependent on the date range selected.
- Group by task list: Choose whether to keep the tasks ordered within their associated task lists.
- How should tasks in each list be sorted: Select sorting to be based on how displayed on the website, due date, task name, priority, or assignee.
In the Format tab, you can select the report format to be:
- Excel, PDF, or CSV.
The Include tab gives you the option to include specific information in your report:
- Include logged time: Include any time logged against a task.
- Include estimated time: Include estimated time that has been added to a task.
- Include comments: Include any comment left on tasks.
- Comments can only be included in PDF exports.
- Include my private items: Include any tasks that are only visible to you.
- Include custom fields: Include any custom field details for tasks in your task lists.
- Custom fields can only be included in Excel exports.
Individual task list reports
You can also create a report for a specific task list on your project. In Table or List view, click the three dots to the right of the task list name.
In the dropdown menu, hover over the Reports option and select Task List Report.

The options here are the same as the project-level task lists report with the exception of the date options (explained above).
You can also choose to date range this to view for a certain period of time.
Export options here include Excel and CSV.
Note: Due to formatting constraints, there is no option to include comments when exporting to Excel.
For more information, see: Reporting Options for Teamwork.com