✔️ Available on all subscriptions

A timeline view of all projects and milestones shared with you.
  • Monitor projects' status (late, current, completed).
  • Get a holistic view of milestones due across all projects.
  • Share insights with key stakeholders using Chart exports.
  • Site admins can view and manage all projects in the Chart.
  • Project admins can view and manage all projects they're an admin on in the Chart.
  • Standard usersclient users, and collaborators can view all projects they're a member of in the Chart.
  • Standard users and client users with the profile permission:
    • Add projects (allows users to create new projects and manage existing projects' settings)
  • Users with the project permission to:
    • View tasks & milestones (allows users to see that project's milestones in the Chart)
    • Add milestones (allows users to edit that project's milestones from Chart view)
Any time you need to see how project timelines overlap or interact or want to see key milestones (across projects in one place).
A timeline view of all projects and milestones shared with you.
  • Monitor projects' status (late, current, completed).
  • Get a holistic view of milestones due across all projects.
  • Share insights with key stakeholders using Chart exports.
  • Site admins can view and manage all projects in the Chart.
  • Project admins can view and manage all projects they're an admin on in the Chart.
  • Standard usersclient users, and collaborators can view all projects they're a member of in the Chart.
  • Standard users and client users with the profile permission:
    • Add projects (allows users to create new projects and manage existing projects' settings)
  • Users with the project permission to:
    • View tasks & milestones (allows users to see that project's milestones in the Chart)
    • Add milestones (allows users to edit that project's milestones from Chart view)
Any time you need to see how project timelines overlap or interact or want to see key milestones (across projects in one place).

Before you start

Projects must have start and end dates to appear on the Chart.

Access Chart view

Access the projects Chart view from your site's Planning area.

  1. Click Planning in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu. Planning might be hidden under the ... More option.
  2. Switch to the Chart tab.

    Image Placeholder

  3. Click Choose Dates in the Chart's top left. Alternatively, click the chevron (Image Placeholder) beside the current date range.
  4. Select dates to apply as the timeframe you're looking at. Projects falling partially or fully within the date range are displayed. A vertical dotted blue line indicates the current day.
  5. 📝 The color indicators to the left of each project name represent their associated project category.
    • Zoom: Click the magnifying glass icons () in the Chart's top right to zoom in or out. This changes the date increments shown in the Chart's header (ex. years, months, weeks, days).
    • View: Hover over a project's timeline bar to view the project's details (name, company, owner, category, status, and dates).
    • Scroll: Click the arrow (Image Placeholder) on a project name's right to scroll the timeline to that project.

Projects are color-coded depending on their current status. 

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Upcoming (yellow): The project hasn't been marked complete and its start date has not passed.
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Current (blue): The project hasn't been marked complete, its start date has passed, and its end date is upcoming.
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Late (red): The project hasn't been marked complete and its end date has passed.
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Completed (green): The project has been marked complete.
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Upcoming (yellow): The project hasn't been marked complete and its start date has not passed.
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Current (blue): The project hasn't been marked complete, its start date has passed, and its end date is upcoming.
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Late (red): The project hasn't been marked complete and its end date has passed.
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Completed (green): The project has been marked complete.


Each project's milestones are displayed in the Chart on their due date. They are color-coded based on their current status.
💡 Hover over a milestone to view its details (name, assignee, due date, status).

Image Placeholder
Upcoming (yellow): The milestone is active and its due date is upcoming.
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Late (red): The milestone is active and its due date has passed.
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Completed (green): The milestone has been marked complete.
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Upcoming (yellow): The milestone is active and its due date is upcoming.
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Late (red): The milestone is active and its due date has passed.
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Completed (green): The milestone has been marked complete.


Customize the Chart using filters to refine the projects shown.

  1. Click the filters button (Image Placeholder) in the Chart's top right.
  2. Scroll to the relevant filter (options outlined below) and select the criteria you want to apply.

    Show projects whose names match (or partially match) a specific search term.
    Show projects associated with specific companies.
    Show projects with any or all selected tags applied.
    Project owner
    Show projects associated with specific project owners or projects with no owner.
    Project health
    Show projects based on their current project health.
    Show projects based on their assigned category or ones with no category.
    Use checkboxes to refine which milestones are shown:
    • Completed
    • Upcoming
    • Late
    Use checkboxes to refine by:
    • Show starred projects only.
    • Hide projects where I'm an observer.
    • Hide projects marked completed
    • Show only projects where I'm a member.
    🔑 These options vary depending on your permissions.
    Show projects whose names match (or partially match) a specific search term.
    Show projects associated with specific companies.
    Show projects with any or all selected tags applied.
    Project owner
    Show projects associated with specific project owners or projects with no owner.
    Project health
    Show projects based on their current project health.
    Show projects based on their assigned category or ones with no category.
    Use checkboxes to refine which milestones are shown:
    • Completed
    • Upcoming
    • Late
    Use checkboxes to refine by:
    • Show starred projects only.
    • Hide projects where I'm an observer.
    • Hide projects marked completed.
    • Show only projects where I'm a member.
    🔑 These options vary depending on your permissions.
  3. Select the criteria you want to filter by.

    Image Placeholder

  4. Next:
    1. View the filtered Chart: The Chart updates automatically as you select filter criteria.
    2. Save the filter: Click Save Filter at the bottom of the filters panel to save the current filter criteria for quick use in the future. Alternatively, click Save Filter at the top of the Chart view.
    3. Clear the current filter: Click Clear Filter at the bottom of the filters panel. Alternatively, click Show full chart at the top of the Chart view.


Sort the projects order in Chart view.

  1. Click Planning in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu. Planning might be hidden under the ... More option.
  2. Switch to the Chart tab.
  3. Click the sort icon (Image Placeholder) in the view's top right.
  4. Select a sort preference.

    Image Placeholder

  5. Click asc or desc beside the active sort option to switch between ascending and descending order.


Export the projects Chart to a shareable file.

  1. Click Planning in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu. Planning might be hidden under the ... More option.
  2. Switch to the Chart tab.
  3. Click the print icon (Image Placeholder) in the Chart's top right.
  4. Next, choose a print size: A4 landscape, A4 portrait, or don't resize.
  5. Click Print.
  6. Next, choose your print preference:
    1. Save as PDF
    2. Print a copy