✔  Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, you can bulk manage members of your site, teams, or companies.

🔑 Each bulk action option is dependent on your user permissions (site administrator, project administrator on a project, or have the profile permission to manage people and companies).

Bulk set user profile permissions

You can bulk update multiple users' profile permissions.

⚠️ Permissions are only granted to users in line with their user type access rights (standard user, client user, collaborator).

Site-level People area

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select the People tab.
  3. Check the box on each user's left. Select any relevant user you need to update.
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  4. Select the lock icon from the floating menu at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select the checkmark beside each permission you want to grant.
    📝 Click the chevron (arrow) on a permission's left to view and manage its nested permissions.
  6. Select the beside each permission you want to revoke.

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  7. Click Set permissions to apply the changes.

Team profile

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select the Teams tab.
    💡 Using companies? Follow the same steps from a company's People tab.
  3. Select a team to view its profile.
  4. Switch to the Members tab.
  5. Check the box on each user's left. Select any relevant user you need to update.
  6. Click Set permissions in the bulk actions toolbar at the top of the list.

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  7. Select a permission from the dropdown and click Add. Repeat for each permission you need to update.
  8. Toggle on each permission you want the users to have. Likewise, leave permissions toggled off if you do not want these users to have access.

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  9. Click Modify Permissions to apply the changes.

Bulk set user rates

You can bulk update multiple users' site-wide billable rates at once in various areas.

🔑 Owner company site admins can view and manage site-wide rates.

Site-level People area

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select the People tab.
  3. Check the box on each user's left. Select any relevant user you need to update.
  4. Select the dollar icon from the floating menu at the bottom of the page.
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  5. Enter a rate.
  6. Click Set rates.

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Bulk delete users

Bulk delete users from various areas of your site that show a list of users.

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select the People tab.
  3. Check the box on each user's left. Select any relevant user you need to update.
  4. Select the trash can icon from the floating menu at the bottom of the page.
  5. Review the selected users and the impact of deleting. The number of tasks and milestones assigned to the users are highlighted in the confirmation modal.
  6. Reassign the users' items before deleting. If you don't want to reassign (aka items become unassigned / assigned to 'Anyone'), skip to step 7.
    1. Click Yes, let's reassign them.
    2. Select another user to reassign the items to.
    3. Use the checkboxes to reassign all tasks and all milestones.
    4. Click Reassign.
      ⚠️ Reassigning items cannot be undone. 
  7. Click Delete users.

Another option

You can also delete users from the areas below. Use the checkboxes to select users, then click Delete in the bulk actions toolbar at the top of the page.
  • Site-level People area
  • Project's People area
  • Company profile's People tab
  • Team profile's Members tab

Bulk set user project permissions

At project level, you can bulk update the project permissions for multiple project members at once.

⚠️ Permissions are only granted to users in line with their user type access rights (standard user, client user, collaborator).

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's People tab.
  4. Check the box on each user's left. Select the relevant members whose project permissions you want to update.
  5. Click the lock icon in the floating actions bar at the bottom of the page.

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  6. Select the checkmark beside each permission you want to grant.
    📝 Click the chevron (arrow) on a permission's left to view and manage its nested permissions.
  7. Select the beside each permission you want to revoke.
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  8. Click Set permissions to apply the changes.

Bulk remove users from a project

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's People tab.
  4. Check the box on each user's left. Select the relevant members you want to remove.
  5. Click the dash icon in the floating actions bar at the bottom of the page.
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  6. Review the selected users and the impact of removing them from the project. The number of tasks and milestones assigned to the users are highlighted in the confirmation modal.

  7. Reassign the users' items before removing. If you don't want to reassign (aka items become unassigned / assigned to 'Anyone'), skip to step 8.
    1. Click Yes, let's reassign them.
    2. Select another user to reassign the items to.
    3. Use the checkboxes to reassign all tasks and all milestones.
    4. Click Reassign.
      ⚠️ Reassigning items cannot be undone. 
  8. Click Remove users.

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.