Within Teamwork.com, you can use messages on your projects to discuss ideas as a team, post a question or suggestion, and everyone can add their reply to the thread.

In the Messages section of each project, you will see a list of the current messages which you can sort by date, or whether they are unread. 

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You can switch between three view options in the top right of the Messages area. 

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You can use the Add a Message button in the top right to create a new message.

The options button (three dots) allows you to mark all messages as read, find the email address for posting messages via email, and manage message categories.

Note: The option to manage categories is only available to project admins and site admins.

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You can sort the list of messages via the sort dropdown. Options include date posted, author, last updated, and category.

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Advanced filters can be accessed via the filters button, and allow you to refine which messages are displayed.

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Creating a message

When creating a message, you can add a subject as well as the main body of content.

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Message privacy

You can use privacy settings to put restrictions in place and limit who has access to certain messages.

In the privacy modal, you can switch between people and teams. Privacy can be set to individual project members, entire companies, or teams.

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You can use the search field at the top to locate specific people. Click the filters button on the right for additional options on who should be selectable in the People and Teams tabs.

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Message categories

While message categories are optional, they are a useful way of keeping your messages organized.

Hovering the mouse over the list of categories in the left panel will reveal a settings cog icon at the top which gives additional options to manage and add message categories.

Note: The option to manage message categories is only available to project admins and above.

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Notify by email

When you add new message, you can select the Notify by Email option and choose which project members to notify that the message has been added. Once you click Post Message, those people will receive an email notification with a copy of your message.

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Message options

When viewing individual message threads, you can utilize a range of options. The options available will depend on your permissions.

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Note: Non-administrators can edit or delete their own messages for up to 15 minutes after posting, and cannot edit or delete messages added by anyone else.

For more information, see: Getting Started