Within Teamwork Desk, you can quickly add new tasks to a Teamwork.com project and associate them with a ticket.

Note: This option is only available when Teamwork.com is enabled in your Apps settings.

While viewing a ticket, expand the Quickly Add Tasks section of the ticket options sidebar. If the option isn't visible, you can make it visible via the reorder panel option in the bottom right.

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Once you choose a project, the option to select a corresponding task list will appear. When a project and task list are selected, the tasks area will be displayed.

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You can add individual tasks to each line of the Tasks area and use shortcodes to quickly set task properties. Click Add task to create the task(s) and attach them to the ticket.

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You can also click Show all options to open the expanded modal view and bulk set assignee, start/due dates, and privacy for the selected task(s).

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When you click Add task in either view, the tasks will be created in the selected project in Teamwork.com and will also be attached to the ticket under the Tasks tab.

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In Teamwork.com, you will find the tasks in the selected task list. To the right of each task, a Teamwork Desk icon will be displayed with a link to the associated ticket.

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The quick add tasks form is also accessible via the Tasks tab on a ticket.

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Adding task details using shortcodes

Using supported shortcodes, you can set different properties for the task(s) such as date, assignee, and tags.

Note: For task dates, use the format set in your Teamwork.com localization settings.

{description text}
{Spec to include 3 phases}
Due date
[specific date or day]
Start and due date
[start date][due date]
[today][next monday]
Estimated time
[1h 10m]
#[Multi word tag name]
#[Content Review]

Posting to different task lists

When using the quick add tasks option, you can use shortcodes to specify an alternative task list for some task. Any tasks you add that do not specify a task list will be added to the task list selected in the task list dropdown.

To specify a task list, there are two shortcode options you can use:

  • (Task List Name) e.g. (Back to the Future)
  • [#Task List Name] e.g. [#Back to the Future]
Note: The name used in the shortcode needs to match exactly to an existing task list on the project. If a match isn't found, the task will be added to the preselected task list in the dropdown.

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Adding subtasks

You can also add subtasks to the parent tasks you are creating.

  • Subtasks: - subtask name or #subtask
    • Sub subtask: -- sub subtask name or ##sub subtask name
  • Keep adding - or # for another level deep of subtasks

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Once created, you will see the tasks in the selected task list with the subtasks and sub subtasks nested beneath the parent tasks.

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Keyboard shortcut

You can also open the add task form by pressing t on your keyboard while viewing an individual ticket.

For more information, see: Working with the Ticket Options Sidebar