Within Teamwork Desk, you can upgrade a regular agent to a site administrator.
Doing this will give them more permissions and the ability to perform actions on your site.
Go to the People area at the top of your site and select the Agents subsection.

You will see a list of the existing agents on your Teamwork Desk site. If an agent is already an administrator, they will have an orange key icon and admin label below their name.

To upgrade an agent to an admin, select the agent from the list to open their profile details view.
Select the Edit Profile option in the top right of the agent's profile.

In the Permissions section, toggle on (green) the administrator option.

To remove administrator permission from an existing agent, toggle off (gray) the administrator option.
Administrators on your site can:
- Access and manage your site settings
- Manage your Help Docs sites (categories, appearance, settings)
- Manage the Customer Portal
- View and manage agents, customers, and companies in the People area.
For more information, see: Permissions - An Overview