Within Teamwork Desk, site administrators can add new agents to your site.

Select People from the main navigation menu. Switch to the Agents subsection and click + Invite agents.

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Add details (name, email, agent type) for each new agent you want to create. Each time you fill out an agent's details, another row is added for you to (optionally) add another agent.
💡If Teamwork is enabled for your account, you can click Select from Teamwork to add existing Teamwork users as Teamwork Desk agents.

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Once you have entered the agent details, click Next.
📝 If Training Wheels is enabled for your site, you can then set whether each of the new agents should be enrolled in training and what percentage of their tickets should be reviewed.

In the final step, select inboxes to add the agents to, then click Send.

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Additional information

  • You can add agents to your site based on the number of paid seats in your subscription.
    ⚠️ If you do not have any available seats, you will need to upgrade your subscription.
  • An agent and an inbox cannot be associated with the same email address.
  • Agent invitations to Teamwork Desk expire after 24 hours.
  • Agents who have not yet accepted their invite cannot have anything assigned to them, be added to triggers, or be added as a follower on tickets.
  • When you create a new agent in Teamwork Desk, that user is automatically also added as a collaborator in your Teamwork site. The user will be able to log in to your Teamwork site but they will not have access to anything by default.

For more information, see: People