Within Teamwork Desk, you can export the companies from your site.
Note: All data is exported as a ZIP file which extracts to a .JSON file.
To export your data, click your profile icon to the top right of the Desk navigation bar and choose Settings from the dropdown.

Go to the General subsection of the settings area and select Export Data from the left pane.

To the top right of the page, click Export Data and select Companies from the dropdown.

The export will begin automatically, and a message will appear in the bottom right.

Note: Depending on your selection and the amount of data being exported the time for completion can vary.
Once the export is complete, it will appear in the exports list, along with any previous exports.
You can see when the export was created under Creation Date. You will also have the option to download the export to the right.

The downloaded zip file will be extracted to a .JSON file when opened. For each company, the export will include:
- ID
- Name
- Email
- Details
- Industry
- Website
- Permission - Default Customer Portal ticket visibility permission set for the company.
- This can still be overridden at an individual customer level.
- Note: The company tickets permission option is available on Premium subscriptions and above.
- Customer count
- Domains - which domains have been enabled to automatically add new/existing customers to the company.
- Social Links
- Address - broken down into individual fields, allowing you to drill down into cities, states, postal codes etc.
- Phone
For more information, see: Understanding Reports