Within Teamwork Desk, you can export a list of agents from your site. 

Note: All data is exported as a ZIP file which extracts to a .JSON file. 

To export your data, click your profile icon in the top right of the main navigation bar and choose Settings from the dropdown menu.

Image Placeholder

In the Settings area, go to the General subsection and select Export Data from the left sidebar.

Image Placeholder
Image Placeholder

To the top right of the page you will see an option to export. Select this and choose Agents from the dropdown menu.

Image Placeholder

The export will begin automatically, and a message will appear in the bottom right.

Note: Depending on your selection and the amount of data being exported the time for completion can vary.

Once the export is complete it will appear in the Export Data area, listed along with any previous exports. 

You will see the export type, status, and export date, along with a download option on the right-hand side.

The downloaded zip file will be extracted to a .JSON file when opened. For each agent, the export will include:

Is admin
Review enrollment
Alt email
Is app owner
 - Enrolled
Book meeting link
Is Desk admin 
 - Review percentage 
Cell phone
Is part time
 - Created at
Cell phone country
Job title
 - Updated at 
Cell phone prefix
Company ID
Last name
Send push notifications 
Created at
Send web notifications
Edit method 
Office phone
Office phone extension
Time format ID
First name 
Time Zone ID
Avatar URL
Updated at

For more information, see: Understanding Reports