Within Teamwork Desk, you can
export the Help Docs from your site. This
report includes Help Doc sites, articles and
Note: All data is exported as
a ZIP file which extracts to a .JSON
To export your data, click your
profile icon to the top right of the
Desk navigation bar and
choose Settings from
the dropdown.

Go to the General subsection of the
settings area
and select Export
Data from the
left pane.

To the top right of the page,
click Export
Data and
select Help
Docs from the

The export will begin automatically,
and a message will appear in the
bottom right.

Note: Depending on your
selection and the amount of data being
exported the time for completion can
Once the export is complete, it will
appear in the exports list, along with
any previous exports.
You can see when the export was
created under Date. You will also have
the option to download the export to
the right.

The downloaded zip file will be extracted
to a .JSON file when opened. For each Help
doc, the export will include:
Help Doc sites | ||
Authentication type | ID | Subdomain |
Contact form enabled | Language code | Text color |
Custom domain | Link color | Touch icon |
Custom style sheet | Logo image | Stats |
Description | Meta site description | - Article count |
Domain | Name | - Published count |
Edit method | Navigation active color | - Unpublished count |
Favicon | Navigation text color | - Draft count |
HTML head code | Page background color | Contributors |
Header background
color | Public site enabled | - Includes all agent information |
Homepage link enabled | Send email to inbox ID | Created at |
Homepage link text | Show on homepage | Updated at |
Homepage URL | Show social icons | |
Articles | ||
ID | Disqus enabled | Public URL |
Contents | Edit method | Slug |
Created at | Help doc site ID | Text contents |
Created by user ID | Is private | Title |
Current version ID | Old URL | Updated at |
Description | Popularity | Updated by user ID |
Display order | Preview URL | Status |
Categories | ||
ID | Slug | Old URL |
Parent ID | Display order | Number of articles |
Name | Display on doc homepage | Sub categories |
For more information, see: Understanding Reports