Within Teamwork CRM, you can view a list of all upcoming activities for the leads and opportunities across your site.

Go to the Activities tab at the top of your site.

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This section includes a list of the activities across all deals.

For each activity, you will see Title by default, with other columns available through managing your column options

You can click the activity title, deal title, company, or assignee to bring you to the corresponding area.

Sort by

You can sort the activities list from the top right sort option.

You can sort by: 

  • All
  • Overdue
  • Planned
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • This week 
  • Next week

Sorting by column

You can also quickly sort by column in the Activities list view by clicking the column title. This will order the list alphabetically based on the selected column. Click the title again to reverse the order.

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Select the filter icon in the top right corner of the Activities area to open the filters pane.

In the Filter tab, you can choose activity type, assignee, contact, or due date.

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At the bottom of the filters panel, you will see an additional option to Switch to advanced filter. This option allows you to create custom filter combinations using match any and match all conditions for different values.

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Example: Show all activities where the associated deal is for a specific product type.

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Once a filter is active, the filter icon will display blue. If you are using a saved filter, the filter name will also appear. To clear a filter, select the X to the right of the filter button. 

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For more information, see: Adding Activity to a Lead or Opportunity