Within Teamwork Spaces, you can add reactions to pages and comments on your site.

Page reactions

While viewing a page, you can add a reaction to the page itself. Scroll to the bottom of the page contents and select the emoji icon. You will then be able to choose the relevant reaction from the dropdown.

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Page comment reactions

Reactions can be added to individual comments at the end of a page. While viewing a page, scroll to the bottom to view the comments.

To the right of each comment, you can select the emoji icon to access the available reactions. Once you select a reaction, it will be displayed below the comment contents.

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Comments made by guest users on shared versions of a page will also be visible when users view the page within Teamwork Spaces. Users can react to these comments, however the reactions will not be visible in the shared version of the page.

Inline comment reactions

You can also react to inline comments added within the editor while editing a page. An emoji button will be visible below the author's name on each comment. 

Click the emoji to open the reactions menu and select a reaction. Your selection will then be displayed at the bottom of the comment.

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Changing and removing reactions

You can change your reaction selection on an item by clicking a different reaction already applied to the item. Alternatively, select the emoji icon to access the full set of reaction options.

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To remove your existing reaction entirely, click the reaction itself (highlighted in blue).

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Viewing existing reactions

When a page or comment already has reactions added, you can hover over each reaction type to see a list of the corresponding users.

Once a reaction has been used more than six times, an option to view the remaining users will appear at the bottom of the list.

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Clicking the more option will open a pop-up modal where you can view all reactions or view tabs per each individual reaction type.

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For more information, see: Commenting on a Page