Within Teamwork Spaces, you can add both internal and external links to your pages.
Open the page you want to add a link to, and select Edit in the top right corner.

When viewing the page in edit mode, highlight the text you would like to display the link and select Insert Link from the edit toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the cmd/ctrl+k shortcut.

The insert link modal will allow you to choose an internal link connecting to another space or page or an external link.

To link to a page within a space, select the space name from the Space name dropdown menu. The page name dropdown will update listing all pages within that space for you to choose from.
- Another option is to link to a space's home page. Select All Spaces from the dropdown menu. The page name dropdown will then display a list of your spaces you can select.
- You can also edit the text the link displays as in the page via the Text to display field.
Click Insert to add the link to the page.

Once added, when users are in read mode, an internal link will open within the same tab and take the reader to the designated space or page.

If no text is highlighted when creating a link, a link component will be added to the page detailing the space and page the link directs to. This will automatically update when any changes are made to the linked page's title.

When inserting an external link, you can specify the URL and the text to display. In read mode, the external link will open in a new tab.

Additional options
It is also possible to copy and paste a link URL over highlighted text to embed a link.
To do this:
- Copy the link URL you would like to embed to your clipboard
- Highlight the text you would like to be displayed
- Paste over the text to embed the link.

To edit or remove an existing link, click the link and select Edit or Remove when in edit mode.

For more information, see: Using the WYSIWYG Editor