⏳  The new tasks List view is available to all Teamwork.com accounts.

Create, view, and manage tasks from a project's List view.
  • Capture all work to get a clear picture of what you (or your team need to get done).
  • Update tasks in real-time as you work using the floating actions toolbar.
  • Track all work to get a clear picture of what you (or your team) need to get done.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view and manage all tasks on all projects.
  • Site admins (in external companies) can view, create, and manage all tasks on projects they're a member of.
  • Project admins and can view and manage all tasks on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard usersclient users, and collaborators with the project permission:
    • View tasks (grants users view-only access to the project's task-based views: List, Table, Board, Gantt)
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add tasks (allows users to create new tasks, edit tasks they create or are assigned to, and edit unassigned tasks)
    • Edit all tasks (allows users to edit tasks assigned to other users)
Anytime you need to update key task data or complete work.
Create, view, and manage tasks in the new look and feel tasks List view in your projects.
  • Update key work data as projects progress to increase visibility and provide context.
  • Track all work to get a clear picture of what you (or your team) need to get done.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view and manage all tasks on all projects.
  • Site admins (in external companies) can view, create, and manage all tasks on projects they're a member of.
  • Project admins and can view and manage all tasks on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard usersclient users, and collaborators with the project permission:
    • View tasks (grants users view-only access to the project's task-based views: List, Table, Board, Gantt)
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add tasks (allows users to create new tasks, edit tasks they create or are assigned to, and edit unassigned tasks)
    • Edit all tasks (allows users to edit tasks assigned to other users)
Anytime you need to update key task data or complete work.

Before you start

To use the List view, the List feature must be turned on in a project's settings.

We're currently rolling out a List view redesign. You might see a New List View toggle option in List view's top right to switch between versions. Toggle aside, know which version you're using by checking the task properties:

  • Legacy List view: When you hover over a task, individual task property icons appear directly on the task's right. If this is what you see, switch to our legacy List view page.

  • New List view: When you hover over a task, a floating action toolbar appears on the task row's far right. If this is what you see, keep reading this page.

Navigate to List view

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Select List from the project's navigation menu. The List tab might be hidden under the More... option.
Tasks are grouped by their associated task list.
Image Placeholder

Find tasks based on assignee or task name.

Toggle between your assigned tasks and all tasks.
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View tasks based on their applied tags. Select one or multiple tags — tasks using any of the selected tags are returned.
Image Placeholder
Add task list
Create new task lists. This depends on your project permissions.
Click the ellipsis (Image Placeholder) in List view's top right to access:
  • Bulk edit tasks
  • Post tasks via email
  • Import tasks
  • Manage task templates
When in the All lists view, additional options include:
  • Reports
  • Collapse / expand all task lists
  • Reorder task lists
📝 Options in this menu are dependent on your project and profile permissions.
Find tasks based on assignee or task name.

Toggle between your assigned tasks and all tasks.
Image Placeholder
View tasks based on their applied tags. Select one or multiple tags — tasks using any of the selected tags are returned.
Image Placeholder
Add task list
Create new task lists. This depends on your project permissions.
Click the ellipsis (Image Placeholder) in List view's top right to access:
  • Bulk edit tasks
  • Post tasks via email
  • Import tasks
  • Manage task templates
When in the All lists view, additional options include:
  • Reports
  • Collapse / expand all task lists
  • Reorder task lists
📝 Options in this menu are dependent on your project and profile permissions.

Task lists

Use List view's left navigation panel to switch between task lists.
  • All lists: A single view of all active task lists, aka task lists with active tasks.
  • Individual: View a specific task list.
  • Completed task lists: Task lists with no active tasks and have not been pinned open.
    💡 Click and drag a task list heading to a new position in the left navigation panel to reorder.
An active tasks count is displayed beside All lists and each individual active task list heading. The counts in the Completed task lists section refer to completed tasks only.
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Task list options

Manage individual task lists from the task list options menu.

  1. Click the ellipsis (Image Placeholder) on a task list name's right.
  2. Select one of the options outlined below.
Edit list
Edit the list's properties (name, notes, privacy, defaults)
Move or copy
Move the list to another project or copy the list (within the current project or to another).
Reorder tasks
Reorder the list's tasks by start/due/creation date, assignee, priority, name, or estimated time.
  • New tasks added after sorting is applied are added to the bottom of the list. Sorting must be applied again to include these.
Reordering tasks updates the tasks' order for all project members.
Bulk edit tasks
Bulk modify, move, copy, complete, or delete the list's tasks. This depends on your project permissions.
Hover over Templates to access:
  • Manage task templates
  • Add tasks from template
  • Save as template
🔑 Templates are available to site admins and users with permission to manage task templates.
Hover over Reports to access:
  • Task list report — export the list's tasks in a PDF, Excel, or CSV file.
Hover over Advanced to access:
  • Post tasks via email
  • Pin this list — keeps the list visible (i.e. it won't auto-complete once all tasks are complete).
Delete the task list (including its tasks).
📝 Deleted items can be restored from the project's trash can up to 30 days from deletion.
Edit list
Edit the list's properties (name, notes, privacy, defaults)
Move or copy
Move the list to another project or copy the list (within the current project or to another).
Reorder tasks
Reorder the list's tasks by start/due/creation date, assignee, priority, name, or estimated time.
  • New tasks added after sorting is applied are added to the bottom of the list. Sorting must be applied again to include these.
Reordering tasks updates the tasks' order for all project members.
Bulk edit tasks
Bulk modify, move, copy, complete, or delete the list's tasks. This depends on your project permissions.
Hover over Templates to access:
  • Manage task templates
  • Add tasks from template
  • Save as template
🔑 Templates are available to site admins and users with permission to manage task templates.
Hover over Reports to access:
  • Task list report — export the list's tasks in a PDF, Excel, or CSV file.
Hover over Advanced to access:
  • Post tasks via email
  • Pin this list — keeps the list visible (i.e. it won't auto-complete once all tasks are complete).
Delete the task list (including its tasks).
📝 Deleted items can be restored from the project's trash can up to 30 days from deletion.



Active tasks are visible by default in List view's main section and an active tasks count is displayed beside each task list's name.

A completed tasks count is displayed in each task list's top right.

Click the completed tasks count to switch to only viewing the list's completed tasks. Click the remaining count to return to the active tasks view.

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💡 Click the filter button in List view's top right and select Incomplete + completed tasks to view all of the list's tasks together. See the Filter section on this page.


Tasks with existing subtasks display a count on the task's left indicating the number of subtasks. Click the chevron () on a task's left to view its subtasks.

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📝 Subtasks cannot be created when List view has active filters applied.

Estimated versus logged time

A roll up time count is displayed in each task list's top right:
  • Estimated time total across the task list's active tasks.
  • Logged time total across the task list's active tasks.

Hover over the counts to view an additional time breakdown:
  • Logged time: Total time tracked against the task list's active tasks.
  • Billable: Billable proportion of the task list's logged time.
  • Remaining or overEstimated time - logged time.

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Filter tasks

Use advanced filters (Image Placeholder)  to refine the tasks you want to view.
📝 Activating filters changes List to a single-level stacked view: all tasks and subtasks are treated as individual tasks, displayed without indentation and nesting.

View tasks assigned to specific project members. Select one or multiple people — tasks assigned to any of the selected people are returned.
View tasks whose start or end dates fall within a specific range.
  • Choose a default period (anytime, late, yesterday, today, or tomorrow) or set a custom date range.
Tasks status
View tasks based on their completion status: incomplete tasks, completed tasks, or all tasks.
View tasks based on their priority level: any, none, low, medium, or high.
View tasks based on their applied tags. Select one or multiple tags — tasks using any of the selected tags are returned.
View tasks based on their associated board column. Select one or multiple columns — tasks in any of the chosen columns are returned.
Additional options
  • Only tasks with unread comments
  • Hide subtasks
View tasks assigned to specific project members. Select one or multiple people — tasks assigned to any of the selected people are returned.
View tasks whose start or end dates fall within a specific range.
  • Choose a default period (anytime, late, yesterday, today, or tomorrow) or set a custom date range.
Tasks status
View tasks based on their completion status: incomplete tasks, completed tasks, or all tasks.
View tasks based on their priority level: any, none, low, medium, or high.
View tasks based on their applied tags. Select one or multiple tags — tasks using any of the selected tags are returned.
View tasks based on their associated board column. Select one or multiple columns — tasks in any of the chosen columns are returned.
Additional options
  • Only tasks with unread comments
  • Hide subtasks