Within Teamwork.com, you can access deleted project items via the project trash can.
Deleted items are stored in the trash can for 30 days, before being permanently deleted. You can restore any deleted item within 30 days of when it was deleted.
Note: Only administrators and project administrators have access to the trash can.
Hover over the project name and click the three dots on the right. Go to the Manage Project section of the dropdown menu and select the Trash Can option.

You can hover over the name of each item in the trash can to see details of who deleted it.

You can choose to only display certain project items that have been deleted by selecting the dropdown arrow of the trash can.

Each item in the Trash Can modal has a Restore option on the right which will remove it from the trash can immediately and return it to its previous location on your site.
- When a parent task is deleted, any corresponding subtasks are deleted with it. They will also be restored automatically if the parent task is restored.
- If a subtask is deleted independently and then its associated parent task is deleted, only the parent item will be visible when you then open the trash can.
- If the parent task is restored, the deleted subtask will then appear in the trash can and can be restored independently.
- When restoring a task from the trash can, any previous comments on that specific task will also be restored.
Note: You can only restore items you have permission to see.
For more information, see: Viewing and Restoring Deleted Projects