Within Teamwork.com, you can create a task and
assign it to multiple users on your
When creating a new task, click the Who should do this field and select
the Add More option at
the bottom of the dropdown.

In the Choose Assignees modal, you
then select multiple individuals to assign
to the task. You can also assign the
task to companies or teams by selecting
the relevant checkboxes in the People or Teams tabs.
Click Update to apply
the selected assignees to the task.

Once the assignees have been applied, you
will see an additional checkbox below the
assignee field allowing you to create
separate tasks for each assignee.
Note: This option is
only available when a task is first being
created, not when existing tasks are being

If you leave this option unchecked, a
single task will be created with each
selected individual, company, or team set
as combined assignees.

When you enable the Create a task
for each assignee option, separate
tasks will be created for each individual,
company, and team.
- A task will be created for each
company/team as a whole, not for each
individual member of the company/team.
If you want individuals in a company
to have their own task, you will need
to select them as individuals.

You can also use the @mention feature to
assign users to a task. Once you
type @, a dropdown will appear for you to
choose from users and teams on your
project. You can either use your mouse to
select an assignee or use the arrow keys
on your keyboard to highlight the relevant
person and press Enter to apply.

Once you have mentioned multiple users,
the Create a task for each
assignee option will appear below
the assignee field.
For more information, see: Adding Tasks in List View