📣 PSA:
We've made
something even better — check out our
redesigned Schedule.
Schedule is available
on Grow and Scale
subscriptions 1
The People view is available on Scale
subscriptions 1
Within Teamwork.com, you can create and schedule time allocations for users to manage their workload and get an overview of your resources.
To view the
Schedule, click the More
option in the main
navigation menu on the
left of your site and
select Planning.

In the Planning
area, select
the Schedule tab
from the horizontal

Click the Add
Allocation button in the top
right to create a new allocation for a

You can also add an allocation
by double clicking an empty field within
the table. This option will auto assign
the user and project depending on which
empty field is selected.
Alternatively, click and
drag within the fields where you would
like to add the allocation.

Each allocation is required to be
associated with a project and user on your
site. You can customize the allocation by
setting a color and title, as well as
start & end dates and duration.

By default, each new allocation will be
titled New Allocation. You can overwrite
this with a custom
title. Click Save to
add the allocation to your schedule.

If you attempt to create an allocation
greater than the remaining hours available
for the user on that day, you will see a
warning message stating how many available
hours the user actually has. You can still
save the new allocation but this will over
allocate the user.

If you create an allocation for a day
where a user is unavailable, you will see
a warning that the user is unavailable on
the selected day. You can still save
the new allocation but this will over
allocate the user.


In order to manage an individual
allocation entry in the Projects view, you
will need to click the project's name to
expand and view the associated users along
with their allocations associated with the
- The top-level row associated with each
individual project will show the combined
allocations and unavailable time across
all members of the project for each
Each individual allocation
will show the allocation name and
total number of hours. If the user has
logged time against the associated
project (or task in the project), you
will also see a percentage progress
bar in the allocation. As more time is
logged, this percentage will

In the People view,
expanding an
individual user row
will show their
capacity details. In
addition to their
unavailable time being
listed, the user's
current allocations
will be grouped by
their associated
- The top-level row associated with each
individual user will show the combined
allocations and unavailable time across
all the user's projects for each
Note: If
a user does not have
any allocations on a
particular project for
the period being
viewed, the project
will not be listed
under their

In both views, all time logged by a user
on the associated project will display against
all of their
allocations for that project and will
represent a percentage completion.

Hover an individual allocation to view
the full title, total hours, and date
distribution. You will also see options to
edit or delete the allocation in the top

In addition to using the edit pencil to
update allocation dates or duration, you
can do so via drag and drop.
To adjust the duration of an allocation,
drag the left or right side of the
allocation to increase or decrease it.
Click and drag an entire allocation to
reposition it to fall on alternative

Drag and drop can also be used to
reassign an allocation to another

It is possible to split an
existing allocation by clicking on the
date break lines within the

To remove an
individual allocation or unavailable
time entry from a user's schedule,
click the user's name to view their
detailed schedule.
Hover over the relevant allocation or
unavailable time and click the trash can

You will then be asked to confirm the
deletion of the unavailable time or

For more information, see: Setting
and Managing
Unavailable Time