Within Teamwork.com, you can add project digest panels to your dashboards for a quick breakdown of your projects.

In the My Work area of your site, select the Dashboards tab from the horizontal navigation menu. 

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When creating or editing a dashboard, select Latest activity digest from the Projects section of the panel type dropdown.

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The activity digest panel options will open within the dashboard modal.

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  • Name - set a custom name for the panel.
  • Tasks assigned to - anyone, me, or specific people.
  • Unread comments/messages - all unread or only ones you are notified on.
    • Apply time range to unread items - use the range set on the panel itself for the unread messages and comments.
  • Upcoming events - within a specific time frame.
    • Show only events you are attending.

Once created, the digest panel will show you a breakdown of tasks created and completed on the selected projects in the chosen time frame. Additional items include unread comments, messages, and upcoming events.

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Clicking any of the item types or number counts in the panel will open a quick view listing the related individual items.

You can adjust the time frame the panel is based on by clicking the date option in the top right of the panel.

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Click the three dots at the top of the panel to edit or delete it.

Note: Project activity digest panels are available on paid per-user plans.

For more information, see: Working with Dashboard Metrics Panels