Within Teamwork.com, you can see comments on all items across all projects in the site-level Everything area.
To view All Comments, click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select Everything.

In the Everything area, select the Comments tab from the horizontal menu to view the report.

Each comment is marked with the name of the latest user to add a comment to the thread, the project and the company. You will also see if the comment was made on a task, milestone, file, notebook or link.

Unread messages will display a blue dot beside them which you can click to mark the individual comment as read.

To mark all unread messages as read in one go, click the three dots in the top right and select Mark all as read.

You can access sorting options in the top right of the Comments area.

Click the filters icon beside the sort options to open the advanced filters pane.

You can switch between view styles via the views dropdown.

For more information, see: Everything Section - All Options