Within Teamwork.com, you can sort files by date at individual project level and in the site-level Everything area.
The date sort order option allows you to sort files based on the date they were uploaded to your site.
Click the sort option in the top right of the Files area and select Date from the dropdown.

Once you have Date selected, you will see an option to switch between descending and ascending order.
- When descending order is active, the files results will be displayed in order from newest to oldest, with the most recently uploaded files at the top of the list.
- When ascending order is active, the files results will be displayed in order from oldest to newest, with the first uploaded files shown first.
You can also include sort options in saved filters. If this option is checked, the saved filter will include the sort settings currently active. Otherwise the most recent sort preference will be used.
For more information, see: Filtering Project Files