✔️ Available (with limits) on all subscriptions 1
See "Feature access" below for more information.

User rates are either cost or billable hourly rates. 
Cost rate: The hourly cost, to your company, to employ someone. 
Billable rate: An individual's hourly rate. This is what you charge for someone's time on a project. 
  • Calculate the cost of work performed with billable rates to accurately invoice clients. 
  • Budget and track costs and monitor profitability effectively by calculating the cost incurred to perform work with cost rates. 
Can view and manage rates: 
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view and manage site-wide user rates and project billable rates.
  • Site admins (in external companies), project admins, and users with permission to edit rates can view and manage project billable rates.
  • Users with the project permission to view rates can view project billable rates.
Rates can be set for:
  • Cost and billable rates can be set for standard users and client users.
You need to: 
  • Ensure that clients are billed accurately for the services provided.
  • Report on, track and monitor profitability.
User rates are either cost or billable hourly rates. 
Cost rate: The hourly cost, to your company, to employ someone. 
Billable rate: An individual's hourly rate. This is what you charge for someone's time on a project. 
  • Calculate the cost of work performed with billable rates to accurately invoice clients. 
  • Budget and track costs and monitor profitability effectively by calculating the cost incurred to perform work with cost rates. 
Can view and manage rates: 
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view and manage site-wide user rates and project billable rates.
  • Site admins (in external companies), project admins, and users with permission to edit rates can view and manage project billable rates.
  • Users with the project permission to view rates can view project billable rates.
Rates can be set for:
  • Cost and billable rates can be set for standard users and client users.
You need to: 
  • Ensure that clients are billed accurately for the services provided.
  • Report on, track and monitor profitability.

Feature access

Free Forever
(& other legacy plans)

(& Pro)
(& Premium)
(& Enterprise)
Set and manage user rates

User rates management view per project

View user rates history

Bulk edit user rates

Change project rates retroactively

Scroll horizontally for more information:

Free Forever
(& other legacy plans)

(& Pro)
(& Premium)
(& Enterprise)
Set and manage user rates

User rates management view per project

View user rates history

Bulk edit user rates

Change project rates retroactively

Before you start

  • Cost rates can only be set at site level.
  • Billable rates can be set at site and/or project level.
    • Site-level billable rates are the default rate used when a user logs billable time on a project.
    • If a site-level billable rate is set after a user is added to a project, the rate will not be inherited for that project.
    • Project-level billable rates apply only to that project and override a user’s site-level rate (if one is set).


Currency is set at site level and is applied to all user billable and cost rates. Changing the site-wide currency updates all existing user rates, but doesn’t impact completed invoices.
🔑 Site currency can only be managed by owner company site administrators.


Permission levels dictate the actions a user can take relating to user rates. 

Project permissions
Site permissions
"View rates" permission
"Edit rates" permission
"Project admin" permission
External company admin
Owner company admin
View project hourly rates

Edit project hourly rates

View project profitability

View site wide billable rates

Manage site wide billable rates

View site wide cost rates

Manage site wide billable rates

Scroll horizontally for more information:

Project permissions
Site permissions
"View rates" permission
"Edit rates" permission
"Project admin" permission
External company admin
Owner company admin
View project hourly rates

Edit project hourly rates

View project profitability

View site wide billable rates

Manage site wide billable rates

View site wide cost rates

Manage site wide billable rates

User rate changes

When you change a user’s existing rate, the updated rate applies to the entire day.

For example:
  • A user's billable rate is changed at 11:30AM on April 6th.
  • The new rate applies to billable time logged by the user starting from the previous midnight, i.e. the entirety of April 6th.
  • All billable time the user logs on April 6th, and going forward, uses the new rate (until it’s changed).

Once a user’s rate is updated, Teamwork.com uses that rate to calculate invoice fees related to their billable time.

Set or edit site-wide cost and billable rates

Update user rates via the Cost rate or Billable rate columns in the site-level People area.
  1. Click People from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Use quick search (or scroll) to locate a user.
  3. Click into the Billable or Cost rate field.
  4. Enter a new rate or update the current one.
  5. Press Update Rate.

The user now has a (new) default billable or cost rate.

Another option...

Customize a new or existing user’s site-level hourly rate from the Essentials tab in the user details modal.

  1. Click People from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Use quick search or scroll to locate a user.
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) at the end of the user’s row.
  4. Click Edit Profile.
  5. Click the Essentials tab, then navigate to the Hourly rates subsection.
  6. Enter the per hour Billable or Cost rate in the corresponding column.
  7. Click Update

The user now has a default billable and/or cost rate set.

Bulk edit site-wide billable rates

You can set the same billable rate for multiple people at the same time. Have we mentioned we’re all about saving time?

  1. Click People from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Bulk select users:
    1. Select all users: Click the checkbox to the left of the Name column.
    2. Manually select multiple users: Click the checkbox to the left of each user's name.
  3. Click the icon.
  4. Enter a rate into the billable rate field.
  5. Click Update.

The rate is now the site-wide billable rate for each selected user.

Set or edit project billable rates

Set billable rates for individual projects on your site. When set, these override the default site-level billable rate (but just for this particular project).

  1. Click Projects from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Click the Finance tab (this may be under the More… menu).
  4. Click the Rates tab.
  5. Search for and select a user.
  6. Hover over the dash and click Set rate. If a rate already exists, click the existing rate and click the Edit pencil icon in the billable rate column.
  7. Enter a (new) billable rate for the user and press enter.

The user’s billable rate is now updated for this project.

Another option...

You can set rates from the Budgets and Billing tab within a project. Each of these options will bring you to the project level Rates tab.

Bulk edit project level billable rates.

  1. Click Projects from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Click the Finance tab (this may be under the More… menu).
  4. Click the Rates tab.
  5. Next:
    1. Select everyone: Click the checkbox to the Name column’s left.
    2. Select multiple people: Click the checkbox to the left of each user's name.
  6. Click the edit pencil from the floating menu at the bottom of the page. This appears when at least two people are selected.

  7. Enter a (new) rate in the billable rate field.
  8. Click Save changes.

The new rate is applied to all selected users.

View historical rates

View a user's historical (i.e. previous) rates on individual projects.

  1. Click Projects from the Teamwork.com navigation.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Click the Finance tab (this may be under the More… menu).
  4. Click the Rates tab.
  5. Click a user’s name.

The side panel details the users current rate along with their rate history for that project.

Edit historical rates

Retroactively modify a user's rate to improve the accuracy of your project budgets and financial reporting.

  1. Click Projects from Teamwork.com’s main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Finance tab. This may be under the More… option.
  4. Select the Rates tab.
  5. Click a user’s name. The side panel details the users current rate along with their rate history for that project.
  6. Enter a new rate in the billable rate field.
  7. Choose how to apply this rate:
    1. From today – the new rate applies to billable time logged by the user starting from the previous midnight.
    2. From a specific date – you can also choose to apply the rate from a specific date.
    3. For project duration – the creation date of the project will be displayed.
  8. Click Save changes.
The user’s billable rate is updated. Associated data (where their rate is referenced) is updated in line with the application option you chose.
Image Placeholder
📝 Financial reports and budgets are automatically updated when a historical rate is modified. Time logs on open or completed invoices are not updated.

Best practices

  • Accurate time tracking: Leverage time tracking in Teamwork.com to capture billable and non-billable hours spent on tasks, allowing for precise invoicing, cost analysis, and better understanding of resource utilization.
  • Assign correct rates: Assign appropriate cost and billable rates to people to accurately reflect the true costs and potential revenue generated.
1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.