Within Teamwork Desk, you can edit the settings for each individual inbox.
Click your profile avatar in the top right of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9996858/image.png)
In the settings area, go to the Inboxes tab and select the inbox you want to update.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9694726/Screenshot 2019-12-03 at 10.32.23.png)
Each individual inbox's settings are broken down into subsections. Select Edit Inbox from the left navigation pane.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9694741/Screenshot 2019-12-03 at 10.33.33.png)
While editing an inbox, you can customize:
- Inbox image - update the inbox icon displayed within your Teamwork Desk site.
- Public icon - will be displayed in the happiness survey form when a customer opens it from an email.
- Name - internal display name for the inbox.
- Inbox address - the email address you want your customers to use to contact you.
- When you first create an inbox, you can specify a new Teamwork Desk email address.
- You can also set up forwarding from an external email address.
- Aliases - add additional email addresses as aliases for the inbox.
- These will be excluded from automatic CCs, and can be used to send emails from.
- Email language - change the language within the ticket reply editor for the inbox.
- Spelling errors will be highlighted for the selected language when you are writing ticket replies.
- Note: This will not change the language of the Teamwork Desk interface.
- Email from - choose whether the ticket should be displayed as sent from the inbox or agent's name.
- This setting will also be respected for tickets in the Customer Portal.
- Default status - select a status that the editor should default to when agents are replying to tickets.
- Spam threshold - set a spam threshold for filtering tickets received.
- Happiness rating - when enabled, a happiness survey form will be sent to the customer the first time each ticket is marked as solved.
- Happiness message - customize the message that is included in the happiness survey form.
- Email signature - add a custom email signature to be included in all replies sent from the inbox.
- You can use variables for details such as agent name so that the person replying to the ticket is automatically referenced in the signature.
- Automatic email inclusion - add addresses that should automatically be included as CC or BCC on replies to tickets in the inbox.
- Delete inbox - remove the inbox from your site.
For more information, see: Setting up an Inbox