Within Teamwork CRM, it is possible to create a Teamwork.com project from individual leads and opportunities.

Note: Only users with the permission to create projects in Teamwork.com will be able to use this feature. 

To create a project, click a deal from one of your lead or opportunity pipelines to open the details view.

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When viewing the lead or opportunity, click the options button (three dots) to the right of the deal name and select Add project.

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You can also click Add project from the Project subsection of the left-hand panel in the deal details page.

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In the Add project modal, select the New Project tab. The deal name will be added as the project name by default but can be changed. Optionally, you can provide a description which automatically includes a link to the deal.

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Once you click Save, the deal will be added to your associated Teamwork.com account.

Company and contact sync

The company and contact associated with the deal will also automatically be added to your Teamwork.com site when you create the project. You can view them in the Companies and People subsections of the People area.

  • The CRM contact will be added as a contact of their associated company in Teamwork.com.
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  • The CRM contact will also be added as a contact on the project itself.
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Note: If the contact associated with the deal is from a different company than the one linked to the deal, both companies will be added to Teamwork.com.

Viewing an associated project

You can view which project is currently linked to a deal via the details pane on the left while viewing the deal.

Click the options button (three dots) to go directly to the project or disconnect it from the deal.

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You can also quickly view the project by clicking the project name. A quick view will open detailing the project's overview. To open the project directly in Teamwork.com, click Open project in the top right corner of the quick view. 

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Creating a project from an existing project template

For users on certain Teamwork.com plans, it is also possible to populate the project you are creating using an existing project template from your Teamwork.com site.

Note: Project templates are available on per-user Pro/Deliver, Premium/Grow, and Scale Teamwork.com subscriptions.

In the Add project modal, you will see an optional Template field where you can select your project template from the dropdown.

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Viewing a linked deal in Teamwork.com

While viewing your project in Teamwork.com, go to the Dashboard tab. In the details pane on the left, you will see a note under the Description section noting the project was created from Teamwork CRM.

Click the link to be taken directly to the associated deal.

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For more information, see: Adding Activity to a Lead or Opportunity