Within Teamwork.com, you can edit existing notebooks that have been added to your projects.

This article relates to a Beta version of the Notebooks editor available for some Teamwork.com accounts.

The collaborative editing feature of notebooks allows you to immediately see any changes that someone else makes in a notebook while you are editing it. 

To edit, navigate to the Notebooks section of your project.

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Editing the content of a notebook

When viewing the list of existing notebooks on your project, click the relevant notebook's name to view it, then click the Edit button in the top right.

The notebook editor will open in full view mode where you can make changes to the contents of the notebook.

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You can edit the width of a notebook using the notebook width toggle. This will also update the way the document is viewed once published. 

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Once you have finished making your edits, you can publish as a new version of the notebook. Alternatively, click the options button (three dots) in the bottom right and select the This is just a little change checkbox to be able to update the changes as part of the existing version.

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To lock the notebook while editing, click the options button and toggle on the Lock notebook option. While locked, the notebook will only be editable for you.

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Note: A locked notebook cannot be edited. Only site or project administrators can unlock a locked notebook.

You can also mark a notebook as containing sensitive information to exclude the content from emails.

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The inbuilt autosave function will automatically save updated drafts as you work on the notebook. If you click Cancel after making changes, the edits will remain in the editor but will not be visible to users accessing the notebook in view mode.

Collaborative editing

If other users are editing the notebook at the same time, you will see their profile image(s) in the top right of the notebook editor. Hover over the image to see the user's name.

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In the notebook content area, you will see each user's cursor highlighted. Their name will show as they type.

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If a user is not currently typing, hover over their cursor to see their name.

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All changes are continuously synchronized between the server and all browsers where the same notebook is being edited, so that you always see the latest shared draft of the document.

If your device goes offline while you are editing a notebook, you will see a warning that collaborative editing is offline.

  • Once you come online again, you will still have the option to publish your content, however the version you were originally editing may have become outdated in the meantime.
  • If you do choose to publish your version, any versions published by other users while you were offline would be overwritten and your version will become the most recent.
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When you are finished editing, you can publish the notebook as usual.

Editing the details of a notebook

You can edit the name and description of a notebook directly within the notebook editor.

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In the bottom left of the notebook editor, you can also update the category associated with the notebook.

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For more information, see: Creating a Notebook