✔  Available on Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, a series of advanced dashboard features are available to accounts on the Scale subscription plan.

Projects distribution panel

When creating a new dashboard or editing an existing one, you can choose Projects Distribution as a panel option.

This panel will give you a breakdown of how your projects are distributed based on the grouping selection you choose.

You can group by:

  • Project owner
  • Category
  • Company
  • Portfolio
  • Portfolio column

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At the bottom of the Projects Distribution settings, you can choose whether to apply your overall dashboard filter settings, or pick custom filters specific to the panel.

Once you have saved your dashboard, you will see your new projects distribution channel displayed in a bar chart. 

As an example, if your distribution is based on project owners, you will be able to see how many projects each user is assigned to. The bars will be grouped by project status.

Clicking a section of one of the bars will open a quick view listing the corresponding projects.

In the top right of the Projects Distribution chart, click the three dots to edit, delete, or customize the panel.

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Activity breakdown panel

Another advanced panel you can add to your dashboards is Activity Totals

This panel will give you a breakdown of activity totals and how they are distributed based on the grouping selection you choose.

You can group by:

  • User
  • Project
  • Item type 

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At the bottom of the Activity settings, you can choose whether to apply your overall dashboard filter settings, or pick filters specific to the panel.

When you toggle off the Use Dashboard filter settings option, a series of custom filter options will appear such as project status and project health.

The bars will be grouped based on your selected preference (user, project, item type), and the bars will be sorted in order of most recent activity dateClicking a section of one of the bars will open a quick view listing the corresponding activity items.

To the top right of the Activity panel, you can alter the date range the activity displayed is based on, up to the previous 30 days.

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Manage dashboard panels

Each panel in your dashboard has an options menu (three dots) in the top right, which allows you to manage the panel.

Via this menu, you can edit, delete, or duplicate the panel.

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Panel display options

When you choose the Edit option on a panel, a modal will open with sections for Filters and Display.

In the Display tab, you can choose a custom view mode:

  • Display in grid
  • Display as full width
    • Some panels such as the Projects Distribution will always display as full width.

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Below the view mode, you can also choose which values should be displayed in the panel. The values available will change depending on the type of panel selected.

As an example, if you have a panel based on project health, you can choose which of the project health types should be included and which should be hidden.

For the Projects Distribution panel, you will see an additional display option to choose how the columns in the chart should be displayed.

  • Side by side - have separate columns for each project status, per user.
  • Stacked - stack the different project statuses on top of one another so each is represented by one bar.
  • As percentages - the stacked project bars in the chart will include a % of the user's overall projects when you hover over the bar.
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For project budget panels, you can customize the ranges of budget usage to be displayed. Hover over an existing range to edit or delete it. You can also set a new range by clicking Add Range at the top of the ranges list.

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Multiple panels of the same type

In each dashboard you create, you can add multiple versions of the same panel type, meaning you can get an overview of particular metrics based on different conditions.

When creating or editing a dashboard, use the panel type dropdown to select the relevant panel. Click Add Panel to add it to the list of panels before updating the dashboard.

As an example, you could add three task counts panels, each based on different assignees: me, specific people, and everyone.

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You can also add another column of the same type by using the duplicate option on an existing panel.

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Filter dashboard panels

When adding panels to your dashboards, you can choose a filtering option:

  • Use the dashboard's overall filter settings
  • Choose custom filters specific to the individual panel - toggle off the use dashboard filter settings option to access the custom filters.
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The custom filter options available include:
  • Project status
  • Project owner
  • Project health
  • Project tags
  • Company
  • Project category
  • Options - show starred projects only

You can also update the applied filters by clicking the panel's edit option and selecting the Filters tab.

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1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Enterprise.