✔️  Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, you can request a project update from the owner of the project.

As a user on a project, you can request an update on the project directly.

In the project's Dashboard tab, you will see the current owner listed at the top of the project details pane on the left.

Click the current owner's name and select the Request update option.

You will then be able to add a custom message to the request.

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Once you request an update, the project owner will receive an email notification of the update, with an option to add an update in response.

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Clicking the Add Update button in the will bring you directly to your Teamwork.com site where you can add a new update to the project.

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For more information, see: Adding Project Updates

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.