✔️ Available on all subscriptions

Delete tickets individually or in bulk and manage deleted tickets. 
  • Keep inboxes organized by removing duplicate, conflicting, and unwanted tickets.
  • Monitor who is deleting tickets.
  • Restore tickets when accidentally deleted.
  • Admins and inbox admins can access the trash can.
  • Admins can delete, view, and restore all tickets.
  • Inbox admins can delete, view, restore tickets from inboxes they're an admin on.
  • Agents with permission to delete notes, messages, and tickets can delete tickets they have access to.
Any time you:
  • Want to declutter your inboxes and remove unnecessary correspondence.
  • Need to audit who is deleting and restoring tickets.
  • Need to recover a ticket that was accidentally deleted.
Delete tickets individually or in bulk and manage deleted tickets. 
  • Keep inboxes organized by removing duplicate, conflicting, and unwanted tickets.
  • Monitor who is deleting tickets.
  • Restore tickets when accidentally deleted.
  • Admins and inbox admins can access the trash can.
  • Admins can delete, view, and restore all tickets.
  • Inbox admins can delete, view, restore tickets from inboxes they're an admin on.
  • Agents with permission to delete notes, messages, and tickets can delete tickets they have access to.
Any time you:
  • Want to declutter your inboxes and remove unnecessary correspondence.
  • Need to audit who is deleting and restoring tickets.
  • Need to recover a ticket that was accidentally deleted.

Before you start

  • Deleted tickets are read-only and cannot be edited unless restored.
    • They can be restored up to 30 days from deletion.
  • Restored tickets automatically return to their previous inbox.
  • Tickets are permanently deleted automatically after 30 days. You can manually empty trash at any point.
  • Archived tickets bypass the trash can when deleted and cannot be restored.

Delete tickets

Delete tickets individually or in bulk from the Tickets area.

  1. Select Tickets from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Select a custom view or inbox from the left navigation panel. This is the section the tickets you want to delete are located.
  3. Check the boxes on each ticket's left to select the ones you want to delete.
  4. Select the trash can icon in the toolbar at the top of the list.

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The tickets are immediately moved to Trash where they remain for 30 days before being deleted automatically and permanently.

View deleted tickets

🔑 Admins and inbox admins can access the Trash.
  1. Select Tickets from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Scroll the left navigation panel.
  3. Select Trash.
  4. Click the columns icon (Image Placeholder) in the Trash's top right and check the boxes beside each column you want to view. Ex. Turn on the Deleted By column to view who deleted each ticket.
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📝 Want to permanently delete all current tickets from Trash? Select Empty trash in the Trash's top right, then click Confirm. This process runs in the background and can take a while depending on the volume of tickets. It cannot be undone.

Restore deleted tickets

🔑 Admins and inbox admins can access the Trash.
Deleted tickets can be restored as long as they are still in the Trash.

  1. Select Tickets from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Scroll the left navigation panel.
  3. Select Trash.
  4. Check the boxes on each ticket's left to select the ones you want to restore.
  5. Click the restore icon (Image Placeholder) in the view's top left.
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The selected tickets are restored and returned to their previous inbox(es).

A restoration entry is included in the ticket's Messages tab with the restoring agent's name and restoration date. This information is also recorded in the ticket's Activity tab.

View a deleted ticket

🔑 Admins and inbox admins can access the Trash.
  1. Select Tickets from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.
  2. Scroll the left navigation panel.
  3. Select Trash.
  4. Click a ticket to view it.

The ticket opens in a read-only view. A deletion entry is included in the ticket's Messages tab with the deleting agent's name and deletion date. This information is also recorded in the ticket's Activity tab.

Click Restore in the ticket's top right to return it to its previous inbox.

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