You have just created your Teamwork Desk site, so now it's time to get set up and start working!

We’re here to help you handle all of your customer emails in one shared collaborative space.

Effortlessly manage your customer inquiries from the moment they arrive to the moment they are solved with our all-in-one customer communication platform.
◑  Configuring your user profile
◑  Updating your notification preferences
◑  Exploring the Home area
◑  Inviting your team to your site
◑  Creating your ticket inboxes
◑  Setting up email forwarding

Configuring your user profile

Adding a profile photo along with your personal details will personalize your profile and help your team connect with you.

Click your profile avatar in the top right of your Teamwork Desk account and select View Profile from the dropdown menu.

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Click the Edit Profile button in the top right of your profile to update your personal details.

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Your profile details are grouped into three subsections: general, details, and preferences.

In the General section, you can update your profile photo as well as your first name, last name, and email address.

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The Details section includes your job title, contact phone numbers, and time zone.

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In the Preferences section, you will also be able to specify your time format preference, turn on two-factor authentication, enable web and push notifications, choose between HTML and Markdown formatting, and change your password.

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Why not give it a try and upload a profile photo to make yourself recognizable to your team? Just click the Upload new photo button in the General section.

Updating your notification preferences

Next, let's take a look at your notification preferences so that you can receive updates for the items most relevant to you.

Select the Notifications tab at the top of your profile.

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At the top of the Notifications area, you can choose whether to apply the same preferences across all of your inboxes, or set them individually per inbox.

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For each individual notification option, you can receive alerts via email and/or mobile. Check the relevant box to the right of each notification type to enable the alerts.

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Exploring the Home area

Now that you've got your profile set up, let's explore the Home area. The Home area is the default landing page for your site and can provide you with a quick overview of what's happening across your tickets and inboxes.

The Summary tab gives you a big-picture breakdown of tickets assigned to you and the inboxes you have access to, as well as tickets in Training Wheels and your company's happiness (if enabled for your site). This is all geared towards giving you a better understanding of how you and your team are performing.

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You can easily customize your view and switch between grid and list view layouts for the Summary tab via the view buttons in the upper right corner.

Using the column settings icon in the top right of the inboxes list, you can customize which ticket statuses to show as columns. This can be done in both list and grid view.

The Activity tab shows all activity across your site, including ticket views, status changes, replies and more.

In the Insights section, you'll get an overview of relevant information regarding tickets and your agents.

The volume and average response time is an interactive, visual representation of the amount of tickets, replies, and response time in a given time frame. Check out more on Teamwork Desk metrics by reading our help doc article here.

Inviting your team to your site

Now that you have explored a few areas of your Teamwork Desk site, let's take a look at adding some agents so your team can start communicating with customers.

Head to the People section of your site and select the Agents subsection.

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From here, you can then click the green Invite agents button in the top right.

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From here you will be able to add your users to your Teamwork Desk site. Simply enter your each team member’s name and email address. Each time you fill out an agent's details, a new row will appear for another agent.

Use the agent type buttons to set whether each agent is full time or part time. You can also use the administrator toggle to give certain users administrator rights.

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If you have a linked Teamwork account, you can also choose to add users from that site as agents in Teamwork Desk via the Select from Teamwork button. 

When the Training Wheels feature is enabled for your site, clicking Next in the invite agents modal will allow you to set some of the invited agents to be in training and set the percentage of their tickets that should be reviewed. Administrators cannot be enrolled in Training Wheels.

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The last step of the invite process is to select which inboxes the agent(s) should be granted access to.

Creating your ticket inboxes

Next, let's jump into creating your first inbox so you can start communicating with your customers.

Using inboxes, you can easily organize and manage your company's correspondences with customers.

To create your first inbox, click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

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In the settings area, head to the Inboxes subsection and click the Add Inbox button in the top right.

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In the Create Inbox modal, you will need to set a name and Teamwork Desk address for the inbox.

  • Teamwork Desk Address - create a new email address for the inbox, powered by Teamwork Desk.
    • This allows you to provide customers with your inbox address without the need to set up email forwarding from an external email client.
    • Use the text field to set a custom email prefix for the address.
    • The domain part of the address will be in the format and cannot be changed.
    • Example Teamwork Desk address:

By default, the Desk address field will populate with the inbox name you add. This can be adjusted independently.

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When you click Create, the inbox will be added to your site and the modal will update to show you a list of the agents on your site. You can quickly grant access to the inbox to the relevant people by clicking each individual or using the Select all option.

Setting up email forwarding

When creating an inbox, an additional option at the bottom of the modal allows you to specify an external email address to use as a source address for customer contacts.

Once you click this option, an additional field will be displayed where you can enter an email address such as your company's current support email.

Note: External forwarding is currently only supported from private email domains. You cannot forward emails from,, etc.

When using the external address option, you will be shown a prompt after the agent selection step to set up email forwarding from the email address you provided.

Once email forwarding is set up, any emails received to that email address will appear in the new inbox you created.

Now that you have completed the introduction to Teamwork Desk for administrators, you can easily take the following actions on your site:
Configuring your user profile 
✓  Upload a profile photo
✓  Customize your profile preferences 
Updating your notification preferences 
✓  Access your notification settings in your profile
✓  Adjust your notification preferences for email and mobile 
Exploring the Home area
✓  Star some inboxes
✓  View recent activity on tickets
✓  View your team's metrics and performance
Inviting your team to your site
✓  Invite some agents to your site
✓  Set some people as part-time agents
✓  Add some users from Teamwork as agents
Creating your ticket inboxes
✓  Create an inbox
✓  Add agents to the inbox
✓  Set up email forwarding
Next, why not explore our Teamwork Desk guide and learn about the new features we introduced with the launch of the new Teamwork Desk interface!