Within Teamwork Desk, you can
view and manage all of your team's tickets
in the main Tickets area.
Select the Tickets tab
from Teamwork
Desk's main navigation menu. The area's
navigation panel lists your ticket view
options (Starred Inboxes, My Tickets,
Wheels, Custom Views, and individual
you have access

When you select an individual inbox, its
associated tickets are listed in the
page's main view, grouped based on their
current status.
- New: Newly received tickets that
haven’t been responded to
- Assigned: Tickets
that have been assigned to other
- Waiting
on customer: Tickets
agents have replied to and are waiting
on a customer response.
- On-hold: You can place a
ticket on hold in the
event that you need to do something
for a customer.
- Solved: Tickets marked as
solved, i.e. the customer's request
has been addressed. You can enable
happiness ratings to send satisfaction
surveys to customers automatically
when tickets are marked as
- Closed
- Spam
- Custom
Any custom ticket
views you have
created are grouped together under
the Custom
Views heading in the left
navigation panel.
A count is displayed beside each custom
view name. This is the number of tickets
in the custom view based on the conditions
you have set.
Training Wheels
If Training Wheels is enabled
for your
site, and you are either a
reviewer or in training, you will see
a Training Wheels section at the top
of the Tickets area's left navigation panel.
Here, you can access tickets that need
review or have had
changes requested (depending on your Training Wheels role).
For more information, see: Getting