Within Teamwork Desk, you can enable a
request form option allowing your customers to
contact you directly from your Help Docs
The contact form will need to be linked to a
specific inbox in your Teamwork Desk account.
Any time a customer chooses the Submit a
Request option, a new ticket will be
added to the selected inbox.
Go to the Help Docs area at the
top of your site and select the Help Docs
site you wish to update.

When viewing the site, select
the Settings tab at the
top of the screen, below the site

To the bottom of the page you will see the Contact Form section.
Toggle on the Show Contact
Form option to allow
the Submit a Request option
to display on your Help Docs site.
You can then choose which inbox should
receive emails submitted through your contact

When the customer
chooses Submit a Request, they will be presented with the basic
required information along with any custom
fields you have created for that inbox that
customers can edit.
Once their response is submitted, a ticket will be created in the associated inbox in your Teamwork Desk site.
Ticket limits and
- Characters: Each reply on a ticket is limited to a total of 1,038,336 characters.
- Quoted content included in a reply counts towards the character limit.
- When a reply exceeds the limit, you will be given an option to send the reply without the quoted content.
- Content: Each reply or note is limited
to a total content size of 5MB.
- Attachments: Each reply has a 20MB total size limit for attachments.
- This same limit also applies when merging tickets into a single ticket thread.
- Most
file types are
supported in
attachments as
long as they
fall within
the 20MB
- Attachments
from previous messages in the
ticket will be added as links into
the body of the message. These
files will be available for download
by anyone with the link and expire
after 30 days.
For more information, see: Adding a New Custom