Within Teamwork CRM, you can
view and update your opportunities at any

When using board view, your opportunities
will be displayed as cards across the
stages of your pipeline. Alternatively,
you can use list view.
Each card gives you a quick
overview of the deal itself,
- Opportunity name, value, company,
owner, contact, activity.
The color of the activity icon
will change based on when the activity is
- Red - overdue
- Orange - no activity
- Green - today
- Grey - upcoming

Click the magnifying glass icon to open a quick view of the opportunity. Alternatively, hover over the opportunity card and
press v on your keyboard. The quick view will show the opportunity's main details as
well as the next three activities. Using the
edit pencil at the top of the quick view, you
can quickly update the opportunity's

Alternatively, click an opportunity
card to open
the full opportunity details view. The
individual profile for
the selected opportunity will open.
In the left-hand, you will see a
summary the opportunity's details,
- Opportunity name, value, associated
pipeline, associated stage, expected close
date, product.
You can edit any of these
properties via the edit pencil icon to the
right of the opportunity's name.

Once the opportunity owner has
determined the opportunity won or lost,
they can mark it as such in this
Further details within the left-hand
pane include contact, company, owner,
project, custom, and statistics.
The contact, company, and oner
information for the opportunity can be
updated using the link symbol. Clicking a
contact, company, or owner name will open
the individual's associated profile.

If you have linked the opportunity
to a project in Teamwork, you will see an
additional Project section in the sidebar with
a direct link to the project.

- If no custom fields are filled out for
the opportunity, this section will not
show custom field information. Click
the edit pencil to access and populate
existing custom fields.
- Note: The edit pencil will
only appear if you already have custom
fields for deals created on your

The Statistics section includes
the deal age and date created, as well as
the person who created the deal.

Opportunity timeline
To the right of the opportunity
details sidebar, you will see a timeline
of the previous and scheduled activities,
as well as any notes and files added to
the opportunity.

To the right of each
individual activity, the options
button (three dots) allows you to mark the
activity complete/incomplete, edit, or
delete it.
Notes can be pinned, edited, or deleted.
Files can be downloaded or deleted.
For more information, see: Adding Activity to a
Lead or Opportunity