Within Teamwork CRM, an opportunity can be marked as won when a contact has agreed to the sale.

To mark an opportunity as won, you can drag and drop the opportunity from the pipeline stage it is currently in. Once you start moving your opportunity, a menu will appear along the top of the pipeline.

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Drag and drop your opportunity into the Won field to the top right of the pipeline. The opportunity card will become highlighted in green with a Won label.

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You can also mark an opportunity as won when viewing an individual opportunity. In the opportunity details view, click the green Won button below the opportunity name.

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If opportunity won reasons are marked as mandatory in your site's settings, you will see a pop-up modal requiring a won reason to be selected. Once you select a reason and click Save, the opportunity will be updated and marked as won.

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When not mandatory, you can update the reason while editing the already-won opportunity.

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For more information, see: Editing an Opportunity