Within Teamwork Chat, your profile status will change between online, away, and offline, depending on your activity with the app.

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Online: If you are active then your profile image will be displayed with a green icon. 
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Away: If you have been inactive for four minutes we will automatically mark your profile as Away and your profile image will be displayed with an amber icon.
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Offline: If you sign out of chat you will be marked as offline and a grey icon will be displayed.
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DND online: If you have set your status to do not disturb and are active, a green icon with a line through will be displayed.   
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DND away: If you have set your status to do not disturb and are inactive for four minutes or more, an amber icon with a line through will be displayed. 
Note: The desktop app will keep you online if you're actively working on your computer (any click, keypress, tap).

If you are using the web/browser version of Teamwork Chat, activity is detected while the window is active.

  • This may lead you to be marked away when you navigate to another browser tab or window, resulting  in push notifications being received to your Teamwork Chat mobile app.  
For more information, see: Notification settings