Within Teamwork Spaces, you can add existing site members to individual spaces and set their permission levels.
Note: Custom space permissions are available on the Pro subscription and above. All space members are granted the Manage option on the Starter plan.
When viewing a space, click the three dots to the right of the space name and select Permissions from the dropdown menu.

Note: Only space managers and site administrators can access the members area of a space. All administrators have top level access meaning they can interact with individual spaces without being explicitly added as a member.
In the Space Permissions area, you will see the companies with access to the space, any members added individually, and any open access requests.

To add a member, select the + Add people option to the right of the People list.

At the top of the Add people modal, you can search for people by name or email address. This allows you to add multiple members and assign permission levels (edit, read, or manage access) in bulk. Once you have selected the relevant people, click the required permission level to apply it.

You can manage existing members' access levels in the Permissions area using the dropdown to the right of their name.

You also have the option to manage permissions for your entire company at once in the Companies subsection.

Click the Return to content option in the top left to go back to your last visited page within the space.